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鉄の靴 > トランスフォーマー1999 > 1986年版

Transformers 1986
初の映画『TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE』が公開されたのがこの年。映画公開そして続くアニメシリーズ『TRANSFORMERS 2010』の世界観に合わせて新たなトイ展開が行なわれた。新リリースは前年比12体増しの55体。ちなみにこの年グループ数ではオートボット6グループ・ディセプティコン9グループと、ディセプティコンが圧倒しているが、数量ではオートボット30体・ディセプティコン26体となっている。堅実な商品展開のオートボットに対して、アグレッシブな商品展開のディセプティコンという構図は前年同様のようだ。

Autobot オートボット軍
主に未来風デザインの (実在しない) 車輌に変形するものが多い。
またスカイ・リンクスはスペースシャトルに陸上移動用の輸送ユニット (カーゴキャリア) を合わせた形状をしているが、このシャトル部分が鳥に、輸送機部分が山猫にそれぞれ分離して変形する。合体して四足をもつ鳥に変形することも可能。ただしロボット形態への変形はしない。また山猫部分はモーター駆動で、山猫形態/輸送機形態とも自走が可能。

Rodimus Prime ロディマス・プライム IMAGE
語義:オプティマス・プライム (Optimus Prime) とホット・ロッド (Hot Rod) の合成語
Protector (護民官)
" Experience is the benchmark of maturity. "
パワー 10 知能 10 スピード 9 持久力 10
階級 10 勇気 10 火力 9 技能 10
A vanguard for the Autobot ranks. Possesses acute military prowess. Speaks with the savvy of seasoned veteran. Expert tactician with exceptional maneuverability in battle. Can be hot-headed at times. Has a tendency to act first and ask questions later. In robot mode, carries a photon eliminator that shoots high voltage electricity. Range: 500 miles. Speed: 200mph. Sole purpose is to protect all life. His only weakness is his compassion for other living creatures.
Robot ⇔ Orange tec recreation vehicle
ロボット ⇔ 未来風改造車 (オレンジ)

Hot Rod ホット・ロッド IMAGE
語義:ホットロッド・カー (hot rod) ※改造車
Cavalier (騎士)
" My actions speak louder than words. "
パワー 10 知能 10 スピード 9 持久力 10
階級 10 勇気 7 火力 10 技能 10
Hot Rod is an all-American-boy Autobot. He's a typical adolescent who dreams of being heroic and important. He tends to follow rules too closely. Although he means well, Hot Rod's impulsive actions often get him into trouble. He carries two photon lasers that temporarily electromagnetize an enemy robot's microcircuts. Speed: 120mph. Range: 4 miles. He can be hotheaded, but he's always a well meaning, admirable lad and a brave and honorable fighter.
Robot ⇔ Red tec car
ロボット ⇔ 未来風自動車(赤)

Sky Lynx スカイ・リンクス IMAGE
語義:空の山猫 (sky lynx)
Lieutenant Commander (少佐)
" The best achievements are worth repeating. "
パワー 10 知能 8 スピード 10 持久力 10
階級 9 勇気 10 火力 7 技能 8
A powerful fighter. Self-centered and boastful. Fearless, daring, believes himself to be superior to many of his fellow Autobots. Shell-resistent and steel-reinforced hull can withstand enemy bombardment and extreme temperature variations. Possesses solar powered auxiliary engines. Acetylene blaster inside cockput shoots 3000 degree celcius flames. As space shuttle, has interplanetary travel capabilities -- maximum speed 30,000 mph, range 40,000,000 miles.
Bird ⇔ White Space Shuttle
Lynx ⇔ Blue cargo carrier
鳥 ⇔ スペースシャトル(白)
山猫 ⇔ カーゴキャリア(青)

Metroplex ミトロプレックス IMAGE
語義:都市 (metropolis) と団地 (complex) の合成語
Battle Station (軍事拠点)
" Vigilance is the foundation on which victories are built. "
パワー 10 知能 8 スピード 2 持久力 9
階級 8 勇気 10 火力 10 技能 9
Startlingly versatile, staggeringly strong, the Autobot's last line of defense... a mighty insturment of titanic destructive force. Extremely modest about his achievements... berates himself for not doing more. In robot mode, he can lift 70,000 tons, has shoulder-mounted twin high-energy maser cannons and omni-directional receiving and transmitting antenna. In city mode, has helipad and fully equipped repair bays that can handle four vehicles at once. Left rear tower transforms into tank, Slammer, who has rocket-propelled mortar cannon. Scamper is sports car with side mounted electro-blasters; transforms into robot, uses high-energy particle beam pistol. Six-gun is small robot, has ion-pulse rifles for arms, twin surface-to-air guided missile launchers on back, acetylene pistol. In battle station mode, uses all these weapons and twin disrupter rays, laser lances, powerful anti-matter projectors.
Robot ⇔ White city ⇔ White battle station
ロボット ⇔ 都市 ⇔ 戦闘基地(白)
Scamper スカンパー
語義:はね回る者 (scamper)
Robot ⇔ Black car
ロボット ⇔ 車(黒)
Slammer スラマー
語義:叩きつける者、刑務所 (slammer)
Tower ⇔ White tank
タワー ⇔ 戦車(白)
Six-Gun シックス=ガン
語義:六丁拳銃 (six guns)
Robot ⇔ Red/White tower ⇔ Red/White guns
ロボット ⇔ タワー ⇔ 砲(赤/白)

Ultra Magnus アルトラ・マグナス IMAGE
語義:超高大 (ultra magnum) のもじり
City Commander (全権司令官)
" Consistancy is victory. "
パワー 9 知能 9 スピード 6 持久力 8
階級 8 勇気 9 火力 6 技能 8
Ultra Magnus is all soldier. Most comfortable when carrying out Optimus Prime's orders. Possesses magnificent fighting skills, courage, and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Uncomfortable in the mantle of leadership, but presents strong profile as a commander. Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. Resolute, fair, and courageous beyond reproach. Ever ready to sacrifice himself for the good of men and mission.
Robot ⇔ White/Blue car carrier
ロボット ⇔ 車輌輸送車(白/青)

Kup カップ IMAGE
語義:ピックアップ・トラック(pickup truck) のもじり / 聖杯 (cup) のもじり
Warrior (突撃兵)
" The past is the greatest teacher. "
パワー 9 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 9
階級 8 勇気 9 火力 6 技能 8
Kup is an old veteran warhorse with a thousand tall tales from his ten thousand adventures. He has a motto or word of advice for any situation and he's as brave and loyal as they come. In robot mode, he carries an old-style musket laser that shoots short bursts of metal corrosive hydrochloric acid. Range: 5 miles. Speed: 100mph. Kup sees himself as a seasoned campaigner with more knowledge and experience to share. Other Autobots aren't always receptive to his advice.
Robot ⇔ Blue tec pickup truck
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ピックアップ・トラック(青)

Blurr ブラー IMAGE
語義:ぶれ (blur) のもじり
Data Courier (情報特使)
" The faster it is, the better I like it. "
パワー 7 知能 8 スピード 10 持久力 6
階級 7 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 5
Blurr is the fastest Autobot on land. He's a close descendent to a thoroughbred Cybertronic race horse, and a superior messenger. He can quickly whisk information from one place to another. In robot mode, he carries an electro-laser that reverses the polarity of an enemy robot's microcircuts and leaves them motionless. Range: 10 miles. In vehicular mode, he can travel faster than the speed of sound, leaving a blurred image in his trail.
Robot ⇔ Blue tec car
ロボット ⇔ 未来風自動車(青)

Wreck-gar レック=ガー IMAGE
語義:残骸のガー (wreck gar) ※ガー=強く長い口をもつ硬鱗魚
Junkion Leader (ジャンキオン部隊長)
" Collect and save, collect and save. "
パワー 8 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 10
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 7
Wreck-Gar leads the Junkions, a race of junk robots. He's made of rusted scraps, chassis bits, manifold parts, and dented odds and ends. A little scatterbrained, he speaks in odd-ryming, pieced-together sentences. His words are a junkyard collection of broadcast fragments from T.V. commercials and radio jingles. In robot mode, he carries an armor axe and a decelerator laser that inhibits an enemy robot's flow of cerebral impulses.
Robot ⇔ Orange motorcycle
ロボット ⇔ バイク(オレンジ)

Desepticon ディセプティコン軍
やはり目玉はオートボットのミトロプレックスと対になる都市型大型トイ、トライプティコン。付属の小型トイと合体するというギミックも似ている。小型トイの数は1体少ないが、こちらはモーター駆動で歩行する (ティラノサウルス形態)。

Galvatron ガルバトロン IMAGE
City Commander(全権司令官)
" My power is everything; defeat is absurd! "
パワー 9.5 知能 8.5 スピード 9 持久力 10
階級 9 勇気 9 火力 9 技能 10
Galvatron is a cold-hearted robotic villain. Determined to lead the Decepticons. Possesses enough strength to pulverize an Autobot into scrap metal. Unconquerable. Arrogant and compassionless. Plots against his allies, thus weakening his position. In robot mode, he carries a laser that emits chemically-produced, direct-current electricity.
Robot ⇔ Grey/Blue laser cannon/pistol
ロボット ⇔ レーザー砲(銃)(灰/青)

Trypticon トライプティコン IMAGE
Assault Base(強襲基地)
" Total victory requires total destruction. "
パワー 10 知能 7 スピード 8 持久力 10
階級 9 勇気 10 火力 10 技能 8
Doesn't stop blasting until he's hip-deep in smoking rubble. Completely without mercy. The most lethal fighting machine devised by the Decepticons. In dinosaur mode, jumps 20 miles with rocket backpack. Shoots heat-seeking plasma bombs from mouth and mind-controlling hypno-beam from optical sensor. As city, has landing and repair bays, communications center and rotating scanners. In mobile station mode, has laser cannon, rotating blasters, destructo-beams and dual photon launchers.
Tyrannosaurus rex ⇔ Grey city ⇔ Grey battle station
ティラノサウルス ⇔ 都市 ⇔ 戦闘基地(グレー)
Full-Tilt フル=ティルト
語義:全速力 (full tilt)
Robot ⇔ Purple car
ロボット ⇔ 自動車(紫)
Brunt ブラント
語義:(攻撃などの) ほこ先 (brunt)
City parts ⇔ Purple tank
都市の一部 ⇔ 戦車(紫)

Cyclonus サイクロナス IMAGE
" Compassion is the Autobots downfall. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 9 持久力 8
階級 9 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 7
Cyclonus is huge and emotionless air warrior. He has vast resources of power and can draw strength in direct proportion to his need. Cyclonus is equipped with nuclear-powered turbine engines which enable him to reach speeds greater than Mach 2. In robot mode, he carries an oxidating laser that fuses an enemy robot's internal mechanisms. Cyclonus has no weaknesses and no interests other than conquest.
Robot ⇔ Purple tec jet
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ジェット戦闘機(紫)

Scourge スカージ IMAGE
語義:鞭・天罰 (scourge)
Sweep Leader(残党殲滅指揮官)
" Desolation follows in my trail. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 8 持久力 7.5
階級 8 勇気 8 火力 7.5 技能 7
Scourge is fearsome, merciless and implacable hunter. Created from Decepticon wreckage, he leads "The Sweeps", a wolf pack of tracker-terminator's designed to hunt down and eradicate Autobots. Scourge possesses powerful high-tech scanning equipment and a disintergater ray that can cut through solid rock. In robot mode, he carries a laser blaster that shoots short bursts of intense heat. Scourge's only weakness is his arrogance.
Robot ⇔ Grey/Blue hovercraft
ロボット ⇔ ホバークラフト(灰/青)

Autobot Triple changer オートボット軍トリプル・チェンジャー部隊

Springer スプリンガー IMAGE
語義:跳ぶ者 (springer)
Aerial Defense (上空防衛官)
" Strength is more than physical. "
パワー 9.5 知能 8 スピード 8 持久力 9
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 7
A wise-cracking, sharp witted adventurer. Powerful Autobot fighter with a massive physique and an easy-going manner. Possesses incredible "springing" power in his legs. Travels long distances with pogo-like motion. In robot mode, carries a laser that produces giant wind tunnels. Helicopter blade transforms into a light saber that can cut through concrete. Optimistic and good humored.
Robot ⇔ Green helicopter ⇔ Green tec car
ロボット ⇔ ヘリコプター ⇔ 未来風自動車(緑)

Broadside ブロードサイド IMAGE
語義:片舷斉射 (broadside)
Air & Sea Assault (空/海上強襲兵)
" I like the sea far away and my feet on the ground. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 9 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 7
Doesn't like transforming into carrier or jet -- gets seasick on water, has fear of heights. Effective, valiant warrior, but other Autobots wish he wouldn't gripe so much. Expands to 1200ft length as carrier, capable of landing jets and carrying other Autobots. 15,000 mile range, 40 knots maximum speed. Projects 80,000 volt electric field around himself in jet mode. Has high-energy plasma-pulse gun and shattering vibro-ax in robot mode.
Robot ⇔ Grey tec jet ⇔ Grey aircraft carrier
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ジェット機 ⇔ ホバークラフト輸送船(灰)

Sandstorm サンドストーム IMAGE
語義:砂嵐 (sandstorm)
Reconnaissance (偵察員)
" When the smoke clears, I've cleared out. "
パワー 7 知能 9 スピード 6 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 10 火力 6 技能 9
Always takes death-defying risks. Anything less than dangerous is boring to him. In battle, gets close enough to count the bolts in Decepticon armor plates. As helicopter and buggy, he's adept at using rotors and exhaust to whip up blinding clouds of dust and sand. Extremely maneuverable. Carries sandblaster gun that shoots streams of silicate particles that can erode anything.
Robot ⇔ Orange dune buggy ⇔ Orange helicopter
ロボット ⇔ デューンバギー ⇔ ヘリコプター(オレンジ)

Desepticon Triple changer ディセプティコン軍 トリプル・ チェンジャー部隊
3種類に変形するシリーズ。ディセプティコンでは1体のみとリリース数が少ないが、前年2体リリースされているので (オートボットは0体)、結果的にバランスはとれているのだ。

Octane オクテイン IMAGE
語義:オクタン(octane) ※石油中の無色の液体炭化水素
" He who has fuel, has power. "
パワー 6 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 4
階級 7 勇気 4 火力 4 技能 6.5
A greedy, mean-spirited bully. Enjoys watching fellow Decepticons become painfully inoperative from lack of fuel. Forces Autobots off roads and Aerialbots to abort landings just for fun. Crashes make him laugh. In jet mode: range 700 miles, maximum speed 750 mph. In tanker mode: range 65,000 miles, maximum speed 90 mph, carries 10,000 gallons of fuel. Carries fuel-powered flamethrower and deflecto-shield.
Robot ⇔ White tanker ⇔ White jumbo jet
ロボット ⇔ タンクローリー ⇔ ジャンボジェット(白)

Autobot Tape オートボット軍テープ部隊
'84年から1年間をおいて再びリリースされた、テープ形態から変形するシリーズ。'84年のリリースはディセプティコンのみだったが、今回はオートボットがメインである。これでようやく前年発売のブラスターの内部に収納するテープが登場したことになる (もちろんギミック上はディセプティコンのテープでも収納可能だが、やはり設定上は異常事態と言えるだろう)。

Eject イジェクト IMAGE
語義:追い払う者 (eject) ※カセットデッキの「取り出し」の意味もある
Electronic Surveillance (電子監督官)
" Clutch hitting is the key to an effective offense. "
パワー 6 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 5 火力 7 技能 8
An Earthen sports fanatic... sports cliches clutter his conversation; a surprise attack is a "fast break", a victory is a "touchdown". Few Autobots understand but they like the enthusiasm with which he says it. Could be a play-by-play announcer, if given the chance. In cassette mode, can monitor and record local radio and TV, decode scrambled signals, tap telephones. In robot mode, uses electrical overload guns. Sometimes his internal tape snaps when he's excited.
Robot ⇔ Blue cassette
ロボット ⇔ カセットテープ(青)

Rewind リーワインド IMAGE
語義:巻き戻す者 (rewind) ※カセットデッキの「巻き戻し」から
Archivist (記録官)
" Too much information is never enough. "
パワー 4 知能 9 スピード 2 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 4 技能 8
Autobot trivia expert -- his memory banks have amazing capacity to store data that is virtually of no use to anyone. Not much help when asked about something important. Internal light-matrix data store system has nearly infinite data storage capacity. Can turn into blinding beacon by releasing some of this light energy. Uses adhesion rifles that shoot unbreakable metal-bonding glue. Prone to severe cerebro-circuit overloads, what Earthlings call "headaches".
Robot ⇔ Black cassette
ロボット ⇔ カセットテープ(黒)

Steeljaw スティールジョー IMAGE
語義:鋼鉄のあご (steel jaw)
Tracker (追跡官)
" What the eyes don't see, the nose knows. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 2 持久力 9
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 1 技能 9
When he's on the hunt, his prey is as good as caught. Determined, tenacious, cooly professional when on a mission. Likely to trace any scent. Range of 800 miles. Super-strong jaws -- can snap a foot thick steel cable with one bite. Carries two solar-powered pellet guns that fire 1200 rounds per minute. Lack of sunlight hampers the guns' performance. Can electromagnetize himself in cassette mode. Prone to rusting.
lion ⇔ Yellow cassette
ライオン ⇔ カセットテープ(黄)

Ramhorn ラムホーン IMAGE
語義:羊の角 (ram horn)
Warrior (突撃兵)
" Flee before me or else you'll fall before me. "
パワー 8 知能 4 スピード 3 持久力 9
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 3 技能 4
Don't touch him if you value your life, 'cause he'll smash you. Extremely territorial, nasty hair-trigger temper. Best way to deal with him is from a distance. His charge is virtually unstoppable -- can knock a train off its tracks or upend an 18-wheeler with one blow. Has two batteries of three laser-guided, heat-seeking missiles that can lock in and hit a target up to twelve miles away. As cassette, can vibrate and destroy any equipment into which he is inserted.
Rhino ⇔ Brown cassette
サイ ⇔ カセットテープ(茶)

Desepticon Tape ディセプティコン軍テープ部隊

Ratbat ラットバット IMAGE
語義:卑劣な蝙蝠 (rat bat)
Fuel Scout(燃料捜索員)
" The road is my dinner plate. "
パワー 3 知能 9 スピード 4 持久力 3
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 2 技能 9
Has no friends, only business partners... his only allegiance is to himself. Refuels by plunging his mecha-fangs into new cars' gas lines -- the better made the car, the better the gasoline tastes. Maximum flying speed: 65mph. Carries two radar-guided, free-electron lasers that detect the presence of an object as small as a fly. Wings contain mechanical sensors for locating fuel sources. Has one foot wingspan that can enlarge to ten feet. Wings are vulnerable to artillery.
Bat ⇔ Purple cassette
コウモリ ⇔ カセットテープ(紫)

Autobot Mini bot オートボット軍ミニ・ボット部隊

Hubcap ハブキャップ IMAGE
語義:ハブキャップ (hubcap) ※車のホイールに付ける覆い
Communications (通信兵)
" Weapons can win battles, but words can win wars. "
パワー 3 知能 9 スピード 4 持久力 3
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 1 技能 9
Has everybody's friendship, nobody's trust. Affable, witty, generous, charming, but a con artist. Living proof of the Cybertronian adage, "You can't tell an Autobot by its finish."
Head module equipment receives AM and FM radio, shortwave, UHF, and VHF television signals as weak as .000001 watts. Maximum speed of 90mph, range: 1000 miles.
Robot ⇔ Yellow Toyota
ロボット ⇔ トヨタ(黄)

Tailgate テイルゲイト IMAGE
語義:尾板 (tailgate) ※トラック等の荷台後部の蓋
Scout (偵察兵)
" Let my fellow mechanical beings go! "
パワー 5 知能 5 スピード 6 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 2 技能 7
He sometimes has his mind stuck in low gear, believes 55mph, speed limit is infringement on rights of cars. Garages are prisons to him... doesn't understand Earth machines are not alive. Goes 180mph, range 600 miles. Uses ferrocobalt magnet under hood to be pulled by and within a few feet of other vehicles, reducing his fuel use to near zero. Prone to overheating.
Robot ⇔ White modified Trans Am
ロボット ⇔ 改造アメリカン・トラック(白)

Swerve スワーヴ IMAGE
語義:カーブ・軌道変更 (swerve)
Metallurgist (金属工兵)
" Molecular structure is the window to understanding. "
パワー 6 知能 8 スピード 5.5 持久力 8
階級 5.5 勇気 6.5 火力 2 技能 7
If Autobots had drivers licenses, his would have be revoked. A menace on highways. Doesn't pay attention to where he's going or the orders he's being given - easily distracted by anything. Hands' sensors can determine physical and chemical properties of metals. Goes 120mph, range 500 miles in car mode. Gets into lots of accidents.
Robot ⇔ Red/White truck
ロボット ⇔ トラック(赤/白)

Wheelie ウィーリー IMAGE
語義:車輪 (wheel) の愛称形
Survivalist (生存者)
" Only the fierce shall live. "
パワー 5 知能 5.5 スピード 8 持久力 9
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 8
Wheelie is the sole survivor from a party of intergalactic colonists who crash landed on Earth. He's a barbaric little savage who managed to stay alive by cunning, stealth, and fearlessness. Speaks in odd rhyming sentences and despises the Decepticons. Fights only when he's under attack and has to defend himself. Staunch friend to the Dinobots and a reliable ally for Hot Rod and Kup.
Robot ⇔ Orange tec car
ロボット ⇔ 未来風自動車(オレンジ)

Pipes パイプス IMAGE
語義:気管 (pipes)
Warrior (突撃兵)
" One being's junk is another's art. "
パワー 9 知能 6 スピード 4 持久力 8
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 5 技能 4
Fascinated by seemingly worthless Earthen gadgetry -- carrot juicers, musical wrist-watches, electrical hair combers, etc.. Collects them in unused corner of Ark, creating a mini museeum of American consumerisim. Travels at 100mph, range 400 miles, hauls up to 60 tons. Twin exaust pipes emit corrosive gases that can dissolve 2" thick steel slab in 10 minutes.
Robot ⇔ Blue trailer cab
ロボット ⇔ トレーラー・キャブ(青)

Outback アウトバック IMAGE
語義:奥地 (outback)
Gunner (射撃兵)
" Rules are detours on the road of life. "
パワー 4 知能 5 スピード 6 持久力 5
階級 4 勇気 9 火力 6 技能 5.5
Thinks going by the book is going the long way. Doesn't follow plans -- or roads! Cuts across parking lots, sidewalks, backyards to get where he's going. Travels at 110mph, range 800 miles, his 4-wheel drive handles roughest terrain, climbs grades up to 50 degrees. Carries turret-mounted mortar cannon that shoots armour-piercing shells.
彼に言わせれば、規則どおりに歩むこととは長い道のりを歩むことだ。作戦にも、それどころか道路にも従わない! 彼は自分の行く手にある駐車場を、歩道を、裏庭を走り抜ける。
Robot ⇔ Brown 4 x 4
ロボット ⇔ 4駆(茶)

Desepticon Battlecharger ディセプティコン軍バトルチャージャー部隊

Runabout ランナバウト IMAGE
語義:小型車 (runabout)
Shock Trooper(奇襲部隊員)
" A pretty car makes an even prettier wreck. "
パワー 5 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 7 技能 7
Likes to watch things blow up -- the bigger the explosion the better. Uses parked cars and gas station fuel pumps for target practice. Usually very busy as a Battlecharger, but terrified of boredom. Maximum speed 300 km/h. Range: 900 km. Has high-energy particle beam rifle. Easily distracted by a beautiful car -- because he wants to destroy it, not admire it.
Robot ⇔ Black Trans Am
ロボット ⇔ アメリカン・スポーツカー(黒)

Runamuck ランナマック IMAGE
語義:激走 (run amuck)
Shock Trooper(奇襲部隊員)
" The road is my playpen, cars are my toys. "
パワー 6 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 5 火力 7 技能 8
Cackling like a mechanical wildman, this Battlecharger is a twilring, tumbling two-lane terror. Spreading fear is his favorite pasttime. Admires junkyards like humans admire art museums. Maximum Speed 180 mph. Range: 600 Miles. Uses friction rifle that increases kinetic energy of its target's molecules for 5 minutes. Even the slightest movement resulst in tremendous friction, causing flames and melting. Afraid of heights.
Robot ⇔ White Trans Am
ロボット ⇔ アメリカン・スポーツカー(白)

(Autobot) Aerialbot (オートボット軍) エィリアルボット部隊
5体が合体して大型ロボット「シュピリオン」に変形する。シュピリオンの所属はAerialbot Gestalt (エィリアルボット部隊ゲシュタルト(構造体))。

Silverbolt シルヴァーボルト IMAGE
語義:銀の閃光 (silver bolt)
Aerialbot Leader (エィリアルボット部隊長)
" Don't look down, look straight ahead. "
パワー 6 知能 8 スピード 9 持久力 8
階級 8 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 5
Scared of heights. Brave, grimly determined warrior, but he struggles to maintain that image in order to hide his phobia. Selected by Optimus Prime to command so he'd be too busy worrying about others to worry about himself. In jet mode, speed of Mach 1.9, range 4500 miles. Carries electrostatic battery that releases bolt of up to 150,000 volts through his nose cone. Uses electrostatic discharger rifle in robot mode. Combines with other Aerialbots to form "Superion".
Robot ⇔ White SST jet
ロボット ⇔ SST戦闘機(白)

Skydive スカイダイヴ IMAGE
語義:空中急降下 (sky dive)
Air War Strategist (空戦戦略家)
" Only by studying the past can we win the present. "
パワー 4 知能 10 スピード 9 持久力 4
階級 7 勇気 7 火力 8 技能 10
Would rather read about jet fighters than be one... fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. Can, within the limits of his design, duplicate the flying motion of anything he sees... maybe the most skilled flyer of all Transformers. Flies at Mach 2.6, range 1400 miles. Carries laser guided missiles, uses nega-gun that crumbles objects by breaking molecular bonds. Prone to mid-air stalls. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion".
Robot ⇔ Grey F-16 Falcon
ロボット ⇔ F16ファルコン戦闘機(グレー)

Fireflight ファイアフライト IMAGE
語義:炎の飛行 (fire flight)
Reconnaissance (偵察員)
" When I'm flying, no enemy is safe -- nor friend. "
パワー 7 知能 5 スピード 8 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 3
If Aerialbots needed pilots' licenses, he'd never have gotten his... a hazard in the skies. Doesn't pay attention to where he's going since he's too busy marvelling at scenery. Flies at Mach 2.0, range 1000 miles. Carries flammable "fire-fog" missiles, uses photon displacer gun that effects sight by distorting light waves. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion".
Robot ⇔ Red F-4 Phantom II
ロボット ⇔ F4ファントムII型戦闘機(赤)

Air Raid エア・レイド IMAGE
語義:空襲 (air raid)
Warrior (突撃兵)
" If you look first, you may not leap. "
パワー 5 知能 7 スピード 9 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 10 火力 8 技能 7
Prefers streaking into a cluster of Decepticons to shooting at them from long range... says, " that always sparks their wires a bit. " Tactically, most fearless Aerialbot ... just wants to have fun. Flies at Mach 2.5, range 1500 miles. Carries air-to-air heat seeking missiles, uses torque rifle whose beam applies 80,000 psi of rotational force. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion".
Robot ⇔ Black F-15 Eagle
ロボット ⇔ F15イーグル戦闘機(黒)

Slingshot スリングショット IMAGE
語義:ぱちんこ (slingshot) ※石を飛ばす武器・遊び道具
Ground Troop Support (陸軍部隊援護)
" I'm even better than *I* think. "
パワー 6 知能 6 スピード 8 持久力 4
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 9
He won't ever win a Mr. Popularity contest -- incessant braggart, takes credit for exploits of other Autobots. Optimus Prime is supportive since he's hard-working and loyal, but he secretly lacks self-confidence. Vertical-take-off-and-landing aircraft, flies at Mach 1.6, range: 800 miles, extremely maneuverable. Sharpshooter -- has twin mortar cannons as jet, neutron rifle as robot. With fellow Aerialbots forms "Superion".
Robot ⇔ White Harrier Jet
ロボット ⇔ ハリアー戦闘機(白)

Superion シュピリオン IMAGE
語義:優越者 (superior) のもじり
Air Warrior (空軍戦闘員)
" To live is to fight; to die is to stop. "
パワー 10 知能 3 スピード 8 持久力 10
階級 5 勇気 10 火力 8 技能 7
A fierce and frightful fighting machine. Suppresses thought of the five Aerialbots that comprise him, directs his thinking to one purpose: destruction of Decepticons. Cold, aloof. Flies at 800 mph, range 5800 miles. Can demolish a battleship with one blow. Uses electrostatic discharger rifle. Difficult for him to adapt to new situations or be innovative due to limited mental functions.
ロボット ( ⇔ ロボット6体)

(Desepticon) Stunticon (ディセプティコン軍) スタンティコン部隊
5体が合体して大型ロボット「メネサー」に変形する。メネサーの所属はStunticon Gestalt (スタンティコン部隊ゲシュタルト(構造体))。

Motormaster モウターマスター IMAGE
語義:発動機を司る者 (motor master)
Stunticon Leader(スタンティコン部隊長)
" These wheels are made for crushing. "
パワー 9 知能 6 スピード 5 持久力 10
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 4
No one on the road is colder and crueler. Shows no mercy to Autobots who happen to be on the highway with him. Seeks to destroy Optimus Prime so he can claim to be "King of the Road". Can survive a collision with anyone, except Optimus Prime. Reaches a top speed of 140mph and can shatter a 20-foot concrete block. Uses a 400mph wind producing cyclone gun. Forms robot "Menasor" with fellow Stunticons.
Robot ⇔ Grey tractor trailer
ロボット ⇔ トラクター・トレーラー(グレー)

Breakdown ブレイクダウン IMAGE
語義:破損・崩壊・衰弱 (breakdown)
" Keep your optical sensors to yourself. "
パワー 6 知能 7 スピード 7 持久力 5
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 6.5 技能 6
Thinks everyone is staring at him, even Earth cars and stoplights. His self-consciousness hurts his performance. Finds heavy traffic nerve-wracking. Would prefer to be human so he could fit in better. In car mode, engine emits vibrations that cause mechanical failures in other vehicles; prone to leaky fuel pump. In robot mode, carries a concussion rifle which also causes mechanical failures. Combines with fellow Stunticons to form "Menasor".
Robot ⇔ White Countach
ロボット ⇔ カウンタック(白)

Wildrider ワイルドライダー IMAGE
語義:凶暴なる乗り手 (wild rider)
" Either you're out of my way or you're out of luck. "
パワー 6.5 知能 6.5 スピード 7.5 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 6
Look out motorists -- he exults in the accidents he causes! Driving recklessly, screaming and laughing. Some comrades think it's an act, others really know he's as nuts as he appears. Fears quiet, prone to tire blow-outs. In car mode goes up to 250mph with amazing maneuverability. In robot mode, his scattershot gun sprays laser beams over wide areas. Combines with fellow Stunticons to form "Menasor".
ドライバー諸君、注意せよ! 彼は事故を起こして喜ぶ男なのだ。大騒ぎに大笑い、無謀運転が彼のやりかただ。戦友の何人かは彼なりにタフを気取っているのだと解釈しているが、多くの戦友は彼が本当にクレイジーなのだと知っている。沈黙を恐れるたちで、いつもパンクを起こしてばかりいる。
Robot ⇔ Grey Ferrari
ロボット ⇔ フェラーリ(グレー)

Dead End デッド・エンド IMAGE
語義:行き止まり(dead end)
" We are all just food for rust. "
パワー 7 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 5 技能 7
Sullen, fatalistic, sees little reason to continue Transformers' war. Motivating him to fight is always a problem. Vain -- Spends most of his time shining himself. In car mode, goes 220mph. Radar scan covers 200 mile radius. In robot mode, has a compressor-air gun that shoots a 40,000 psi blast of air. Combines with fellow stunticons to form "Menasor".
Robot ⇔ Red Porsche
ロボット ⇔ ポルシェ(赤)

Drag Strip ドラッグ・ストリップ IMAGE
語義:引き剥がす者 (drag strip)
" The first one to cross the finish line LIVES. "
パワー 6 知能 7 スピード 7 持久力 4
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 6
Nasty, underhanded, loves to gloat over his victories. Would rather be scrapped than lose. Prone to overheating. Megatron would sooner melt him than talk to him, but knows he's even worse company for the Autobots. In car mode, has a plasma-energy blaster. Carries a gravity-enhancing gravito-gun. Combines with fellow Stunticons to form "Menasor".
Robot ⇔ Yellow Indy car
ロボット ⇔ インディー・カー(黄)

Menasor メネサー IMAGE
Super Warrior(超兵士)
"Leave no Autobot uncrushed."
パワー 10 知能 3 スピード 2 持久力 9
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 9 技能 6
A clanking, crushing terror that destroys all in his path -- the ulimate Decepticon weapon if he wasn't so confused by the opposing thoughts of the 5 Stunticons who comprise him. (Motormaster is loathed by the other four.) Tremendous strength, his punch has the force of 140 tons. Impervious to most artillery. Uses Motormaster's cyclone gun and carries an ionizer sword with a 50,000 volt charge.
ロボット ( ⇔ ロボット5体)

(Autobot) Protectobot (オートボット軍) プロテクトボット部隊
5体が合体して大型ロボット「ディフェンサー」に変形する。ディフェンサーの所属はProtectobot Gestalt (プロテクトボット部隊ゲシュタルト(構造体))。

Hot Spot ホット・スポット IMAGE
語義:紛争地帯 (hot spot)
Protectobot Leader (プロテクトボット部隊長)
" Rust never sleeps, and neither do I. "
パワー 9 知能 7 スピード 4 持久力 9
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 6
Likes to be where the action is. Charismatic, inspiring... other protectobots have trouble keeping up with his non-stop pace. Believes in being maximally operational every moment of one's life. His fire truck hose shoots high-pressure water 1200 feet. As robot, can press 60,000 pounds, uses fireball cannons that shoot bursts of 2000 degrees Farenheit blue flame 1.5 miles. With fellow Protectobots, forms "Defensor".
Robot ⇔ Blue fire engine
ロボット ⇔ 消防車(青)

First Aid ファースト・エイド IMAGE
語義:応急手当 (first aid)
Doctor (医師)
" An ounce of maintenance is worth a pound of cure. "
「1オンスの整備には1ポンドの治療と同じ価値がある」 (※1ポンド=12オンス)
パワー 4 知能 9 スピード 4 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 6 技能 9
Hates seeing any machine in pain -- even those who don't know it, like a broken street lamp or an overheated car. Compassionate, cautious -- will restrict an Autobot to repair bay for faulty directional signal. Carries dual-barreled decrystallizer cannon -- weakens metal by disrupting crystalline structure -- and photon pistol. Fists shoot laser beams used for welding in surgery. With fellow Protectobots, combines to form "Defensor".
Robot ⇔ White ambulance
ロボット ⇔ 救急車(白)

Groove グルーヴ IMAGE
語義:溝・わだち (groove)
Scout (偵察兵)
" War is a problem, never a solution. "
パワー 4 知能 9 スピード 5 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 6 技能 8
A full tank, clear skies, open road -- that's all he wants out of life. Relaxed, easy going, happy whereever he is. Pacifist -- difficult for him to accept his role as part of the Protectobot team. Speed: 140mph, range: 800 miles. Uses twin vaporators, which shoot mists of oxidizing, freezing, and corrosive liquids; and photon pistol. Combines with fellow Protectobots to form "Defensor".
Robot ⇔ White Honda Goldwing motorcycle
ロボット ⇔ ホンダ・ゴールドウィング(バイク)(白)

Defensor ディフェンサー IMAGE
語義:防衛 (defense) のもじり
Super Warrior (超兵士)
"As long as one innocent being is threatened, none are truly free."
パワー 10 知能 7 スピード 2 持久力 9
階級 6 勇気 10 火力 8 技能 8
Views humans as if they were his own children -- will expend his last drop of fuel to protect them. Seeks human friendship, but humans fear his hulking, mechanical form. Can lift 300,000 pounds with one hand. Impervious to most artillery, can surround himself with force field for brief periods. Carries fireball cannon... shoots 2000 degree bursts of blue fire 1.5 miles.
ロボット ( ⇔ ロボット5体)

Blades ブレイズ IMAGE
語義:刃 (brade)
Air Support (空軍部隊援護)
" War's a dirty game -- and I'm a dirty player! "
パワー 7.5 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 5.5
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 7
Basically a street fighter -- prefers using rotor blades for slashing Decepticons rather than for flying. Considers long-range air attacks unsporting, cowardly. Maximum speed: 400mph; range 1200 miles. Twin launchers fire "smart" rockets that seek targets based on encoded computer images. Uses photon pistol. Combines with fellow Protectobots to form "Defensor".
Robot ⇔ White Super Huey helicopter
ロボット ⇔ スーパーヒューイ・ヘリコプター(白)

Streetwise ストリートワイズ IMAGE
語義:街の賢者 (streetwise)
Interceptor (迎撃要員)
" You have to know where you are before you know what to do. "
パワー 5 知能 9 スピード 6 持久力 6
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 7
Nothing escapes his notice... amazing capacity to adapt to understand his environment. Clever and determined -- nothing deters him from seekinmg his prey -- except an empty fuel tank. As car, has powerful double-mounted air-compressor cannon with 50 mile range; as robot uses blinding photon pistol. With fellow Protectobots forms "Defensor". Sometimes overheats as car.
Robot ⇔ White Nissan 300 ZX (Police Car)
ロボット ⇔ ニッサン300ZX (※パトカー)(白)

(Desepticon) Combaticon (ディセプティコン軍) コンバティコン部隊
5体が合体して大型ロボット「ブルーティカス」に変形する。ブルーティカスの所属はDesepticon (ディセプティコン軍)。

Onslaught オンスロート IMAGE
語義:猛攻撃 (onslaught)
Combaticon Leader(コンバティコン部隊長)
" The mind is the greatest weapon. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 3 持久力 7
階級 7 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 9
Believes the key to a mission's success lies in the perfection of its planning. Prefers devising sinister schemes to actual combat, but a relentless, furious fighter when stirred into action. As a missile trailer, Onslaught is capable of launching 6500-mile range photon missiles, each equivalent to 3000 tons of TNT. Accuracy of missiles is hampered by electromagnetic interference. Uses powerful sonic stun gun in robot mode. Joins with fellow Combaticons to form robot "Bruticus".
Robot ⇔ Green flatbed truck w/cannon
ロボット ⇔ キャノン砲装備フラットベッド・トラック(グレー)

Swindle スウィンドル IMAGE
語義:詐欺 (swindle)
Munitions Expert(物資供給担当官)
" Make deals, not war. "
パワー 5 知能 9 スピード 5 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 5 火力 7 技能 10
Easy-going and good natured, but within him beats the fuel pump of the most greed-driven street hustler. Thrives on wheeling and dealing, works for his own personal material advancement. A one-robot "black market". Uses a scatter blaster that sprays explosive pellets, gyro gun that disrupts Transformers' balance center. Combines with fellow Combaticons to form "Bruticus". Prone to overturning on sharp turns.
Robot ⇔ Brown Jeep
ロボット ⇔ ジープ(茶)

Vortex ヴォーテクス IMAGE
語義:渦 (vortex)
" I'm Vortex, fly me -- if you dare! "
パワー 4 知能 9 スピード 6 持久力 5
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 7 技能 8
Gives a ride to remember -- in your nightmares! Takes Autobots on dizzying, death-defying flights to scare information out of them. As helicopter, goes 300mph with a range of 1200 miles. Whirls rotor blades to create 200-300 mph wind funnels. uses semi-automatic glue gun. Combines with fellow Combaticons to form "Bruticus".
彼とのフライトは記憶に残り続けるだろう――特に悪夢の中に! 彼は情報を引き出すために、オートボットを目を覆うような命知らずの飛行に連れ出すのだ。
Robot ⇔ Grey Sea Lynx helicopter
ロボット ⇔ シーリンクス・ヘリ(グレー)

Blast Off ブラスト・オフ IMAGE
語義:発射 (blast off)
Space Warrior(宇宙兵)
" I destroy Autobots by choice, not command. "
パワー 3 知能 8 スピード 10 持久力 3
階級 5 勇気 5 火力 9 技能 10
Feels literally and figuratively about the other Transformers as he soars through outer space. Aristocratic, aloof -- disguises his long distance loneliness. Cruelly efficient at raining destruction on Earth. Flies at 26,000mph, stays in orbit for 8 months. Shoots powerful X-ray laser to hit target 12,000 miles away. In robot mode, uses ionic blaster. Combines with fellow Combaticons to form "Bruticus".
Robot ⇔ Black/Brown Space Shuttle
ロボット ⇔ スペースシャトル (黒/茶)

Brawl ブロール IMAGE
語義:喧嘩 (brawl)
Ground Assault(陸上強襲兵)
" I was built to be wild. "
パワー 7.5 知能 2 スピード 4 持久力 9
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 7
Noisy, irritates all nearby. Hair-trigger temper, blusteringly belligerent... a terrifyingly effective warrior. Enormously strong, resistant to most conventional artillery. As tank, goes 45mph, range 600 miles. Turret mounted gun shoots 200lbs TNT-equivalent shells, twin sonic cannon shoots powerful, ear-splitting 300-decibel bursts of concentrated sound energy in stereo. In robot mode, has 10-Megawatt electron gun. Combines with fellow Combaticons to form "Bruticus".
Robot ⇔ Green tank
ロボット ⇔ 戦車(緑)

Bruticus ブルーティカス IMAGE
"The road to conquest is paved with Autobot wrecks."
「征服の道はオートボットの残骸で舗装されている」 ※コミック版(『TRANSFORMERS: Universe』)からの引用
パワー 10 知能 3 スピード 1 持久力 9
階級 5 勇気 10 火力 8 技能 8
Bruticus transforms into the five Combaticons. Can destroy his enemies with ultrasonic waves and smash metal bridges with a single chop of his hand. Cold blooded, likes nothing more than destroying Autobots. Once he starts running wild he is unstoppable. Has small brain circuits, making him simple-minded. Carries a sonic stun gun and a missile cannon.
ロボット ( ⇔ ロボット5体)

(Desepticon) Predacon (ディセプティコン軍) プレデコン部隊
動物からロボットに変形するシリーズ。5体が合体して大型ロボット「プレデキング」に変形する。プレデキングの所属はPredacon Combiner (プレデコン部隊結合体 (コンバイナー) )。

Razorclaw レイザークロー IMAGE
語義:剃刀(かみそり)の爪 (razor claw)
Predacon Leader(プレデコン部隊長)
" All good things succumb to those who wait. "
パワー 8 知能 9 スピード 4 持久力 9
階級 8 勇気 10 火力 7 技能 7
All business. Hates waste in any form... won't burn an extra drop of fuel unless he's certain the results will be worth the effort. Long stretches of inactivity often mistaken for laziness. Explodes into furious, ferocious action when it's time to strike. As a lion, can leap distances as long as a football field. Claws can rip through foot-thick steel. Has twin concussion blasters and sonic sword. Combines with fellow Predacons to form Predaking.
Robot ⇔ Black/Yellow lion
ロボット ⇔ ライオン(黒/黄)

Predaking プレデキング IMAGE
" Destroy first, ask questions later. "
パワー 10 知能 5 スピード 3 持久力 8.5
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 9 技能 8
The closest thing to a perfect fighting machine that the Decepticons have. As a warrior he has no equal; as a weapon he has no restraints. His actions result from seemingly savage, animal instinct. Can lift 500 tons; reacts to any movement he sees within .002 seconds. Can generate protective electric field. Wields powerful X-ray laser cannon. Each foot houses twinm mortar shell launchers. No known weaknesses.
ロボット ( ⇔ ロボット5体)

Divebomb ダイヴボム IMAGE
語義:急降下爆撃手 (dive bomb)
Aerial Assault(空襲要員)
" Conquer the skies and what's below you will fall. "
パワー 7 知能 8 スピード 5.5 持久力 6
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 6 技能 6
He's like a kid at a candy store - always delighted by all the targets he has to choose from. Builds mecha-nests atop tall buildings and mountains; composed of late model sports cars, wings of jets, theater marquees. Back-mounted rocket thrusters allows speeds of 300mph, 2000 mile range. Can see a dime from 10,000 feet. Has particle-beam rifle with infra-red sight, and laser-guided sword. Magnetism inhibits flying ability. With fellow Predacons, forms Predaking.
Robot ⇔ Black/Orange hawk
ロボット ⇔ タカ(黒/オレンジ)

Headstrong ヘッドストロング IMAGE
語義:頑固者 (headstrong)
Ground Assault(陸上強襲兵)
" The best advice is not to listen to advice. "
パワー 7 知能 5 スピード 4 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 6 火力 8 技能 6
Doesn't listen to anyone, particularly his friends. Smug, arrogant. Puts up a stubborn front to hide deep-rooted insecurities. More vulnerable to psychological rather than physical attacks. In rhinoceros mode, his horn can puncture 3-foot thick steel, release corrosive acid. Uses plasma-sphere shooter that emits explosive energy balls; has light distorting diffraction sword. Combines with fellow Predacons to form Predaking.
Robot ⇔ Red/Orange rhinocerous
ロボット ⇔ サイ(赤/オレンジ)

Rampage ラムペイジ IMAGE
語義:大暴れ (rampage)
" Those who conquer, act; those who are conquered, think! "
パワー 8 知能 3 スピード 5 持久力 6
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 9 技能 6
Barrels through life with an uncontrolled fury. Has difficulty talikng coherently for more than a few seconds before violently lashing out at anything near him, friend or foe. TV calms hims... stares at rock music videos for hours. As tiger, can leap 300ft. in height, 500ft. in length. A kick from his foreleg can crumble a cinder block well. As robot, carries 60,000 volt lightning rifle, 5000 degrees Farenheight thermo-sword. Combines with fellow Predacons to form Predaking.
人生すべてが制御不能な怒りに満たされた男。たまたま近くにいた奴 (敵であれ友人であれ) を血祭りにあげた後では、数秒以上のまとまった会話もろくにできない。そんな彼の気を静めるのはテレビ番組だ。ロックのビデオクリップの前では何時間もじっと座っている。
Robot ⇔ Red/Orange tiger
ロボット ⇔ 虎(赤/オレンジ)

Tantrum タントラム IMAGE
語義:癇癪(かんしゃく) (tantrum)
" Anger gets me running better than any other fuel. "
パワー 8 知能 4 スピード 3 持久力 8.5
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 7
Prefers brute force over reason. Steam comes from his nasal ducts when he's enraged. Smashes head-first into highway trestles and small buildings to relieve his aggression. Always feels better afterwards. Carries 4 exterior fuel tanks, capacity: 1600 gallons, as a reserve for himself and his comrades. His horns shoot bolts of 20,000 volt electricity. Carries a catalytic carbine that shoots destructive chemicals, and an electro-sword. Combines with fellow Predacons to form Predaking.
Robot ⇔ Red/Orange bull
ロボット ⇔ 雄牛(赤/オレンジ)

(Desepticon) Sharkticon (ディセプティコン軍) シャークティコン部隊
なぜかテック・スペックの設定では他にも部隊員がいるように書かれているのだが、シャークティコンは通算でも1体しかリリースされていない。要するに他のディセプティコンに対してキャラクターが浮いているのでカテゴリーを独立させたということか。出荷時にはプレデコンと合わせて1カートンになっていた (プレデコン5種×2体 + ノー×2体 = 12体) ため、まとめて「Predacon & Sharkticon」と表記する場合もある。

Gnaw ノー IMAGE
語義:かじる者 (gnaw)
Assault Sentry(対強襲哨兵)
" I live for the taste of an Autobot's fuel line! "
パワー 7 知能 3 スピード 4 持久力 8
階級 2 勇気 8 火力 4.5 技能 4.5
Travels in packs with fellow Sharkticons. Fearless and vicous. Loyal only to the master who last fed him. Powerful tail fin allows him to travel at speeds over 150 Knots. Carnivourous with a voracious appetite. Possesses several rows of razor-sharp teeth that can tear through solid steel. In robot mode, carries a maceration laser that shoots salt-based corrosive liquid. Also carries a barbed mace.
強力な尾びれは150ノット (時速約280km) を超える加速を生み出す。肉食獣のとめどない食欲の持ち主で、鋭利な歯それぞれが硬い金属を引き裂く力を持つ。ロボット形態で使用する軟化レーザーは塩分を使った腐食液を発射する。さらにとげ付きのメイス (鎚矛) も装備。
Robot ⇔ Purple shark/Monster
ロボット ⇔ サメ型モンスター(紫)

Desepticon ディセプティコン軍(リフレクター)

Reflector リフレクター IMAGE
語義:反射鏡 (reflector)
" See and you can know, know and you can destroy. "
パワー 7 知能 8 スピード 2 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 6 技能 9
Loves to observe things: vegetation, architecture, Earthen topography, and particularly comrades' mistakes. Likes to blackmail his associates and is impressed with his own ability. Has highly-developed infra-red vision that can record images in darkness, through camouflage and at great distances. In camera mode, can emit powerful flash explosion that leaves enemy blind and disorientated for up to 15 seconds.
Robot ⇔ Camera
ロボット3体 ⇔ カメラ
Spectro スペクトロ
語義:〈光学〉スペクトルの (spectro-)
Robot ⇔ Black camera flashbulb
ロボット ⇔ カメラのフラッシュ部分(黒)
Spy Glass スパイ・グラス
語義:小型望遠鏡 (spyglass)
Robot ⇔ Black camera lens
ロボット ⇔ カメラのレンズ部分(黒)
Viewfinder ビューファインダー
語義:(カメラの)ファインダー (viewfinder)
Robot ⇔ Grey camera shutterpiece
ロボット ⇔ カメラのシャッター部分(グレー)

このページは David "Hex" Tashjian氏とVerentex氏のThe TeleTran CyberSite 及び、 Colin Betts氏とRobert A. Jung氏のRob's Transformers Page を元に作られています。

All information on this site is © Hasbro, Inc.
"TRANSFORMERS 1999" is designed solely for the purpose of providing information to people. In no way is it intended to infringe on the rights of Hasbro, Inc.

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