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鉄の靴 > トランスフォーマー1999 > 1988年版

Transformers 1988
前年から連続リリースのヘッドマスター / ターギットマスターシリーズに加え、その進化形といえるパワーマスターシリーズが登場。加えて新趣向のプリテンダー・シリーズもリリースされ、ギミック展開の充実はこの年ひとつの頂点を迎える。
この年のリリース数はきわめて多く、過去最大のオートボット28体、ディセプティコン32体 (合体形態のピラナコンを除く)。またTFトイ史上初めてディセプティコンの数がオートボットのそれを圧倒しているが、これは合体型 (つまり、それだけトイ数が増える) のシーコンシリーズを擁しているためで、これを除けば大半のシリーズが同数ずつのリリースと、非常に均等なキャラクター配分となっている。
日本ではアニメシリーズ『トランスフォーマー 超神マスターフォース』が放映開始。前作『ヘッドマスターズ』が米国版アニメシリーズの形式を比較的忠実になぞっていたのに対し、本作ではいわゆるヒーローロボット物のテイストの強い、日本独特なヒーローアニメの手法をとっている。

Autobot Powermaster オートボット軍 パワーマスター部隊
またオプティマス・プライム ('84年の同名トイのデザインを踏襲しているが、完全な新作トイ) はロボット形態にくわえ、トレーラーとの合体で基地形態に変形可能。さらにロボット形態にトレーラーが合体し、強化武装形態の「スーパー・パワーマスター」となる。

{powermaster} Optimus Prime オプティマス・プライム
語義:極至高 (optimum prime) のもじり
Autobot Leader (オートボット軍指揮官)
" Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. "
パワー 10 知能 10 スピード 6 持久力 10
階級 10 勇気 10 火力 9 技能 10
The beloved leader of all Autobots. Dedicated to protecting all life forms -- mechanical, human, and otherwise. Willing to sacrifice anything in order to end the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. Wise and compassionate... the inspiration that fuels every Autobot. Binary bonded to the super intelligent Nebulan computer programmer, HiQ. In engine mode, HiQ handles all of Prime's power needs. Trailer transforms into armed fortress, complete with laser rifle, concussion blaster, and 2 twin particle beam cannons. Tractor and trailer combined construct Optimus Prime's new super-powered robot form.
オートボット全軍に敬愛される指揮官。あらゆる生命体 (機械生命や人間、他の何であれ) を護ることに自らを捧げ、オートボット=ディセプティコン戦争の終結のためならあらゆる犠牲をいとわない。賢明にして慈愛にあふれ、その激励はオートボットの燃料を満タンにする。
Robot ⇔ Red tractor trailer / base
ロボット ⇔ ロボット + 基地 ⇔ トラック (赤) + トレーラー
Hi-Q ハイ=キュー
語源:高度な問題 (high question) のもじり?
Powermaster figure ⇔ engine
パワーマスター・フィギュア ⇔ エンジン

パワーマスター版オプティマス・プライムだが、このトイのギミックは日本では大きく違っている (この時期トイ展開は日本のアニメシリーズとの提携が主軸であり、むしろ北米版が日本版と違っている、と言うべきだろうか)。
エンジン部に変形したフィギュアが変形の鍵となるパワーマスター (日本ではゴッドマスター)・ギミック、トレーラー部との合体による武装形態への変形までは同じだが、日本版ではこの上にさらにもう一段階の合体が用意されている。
ちなみに日本で放映されていたアニメシリーズ『超神マスターフォース』ではこのキャラクターはオプティマス・プライム (日本での「コンボイ」) とは別人という設定で、名前も当然それぞれ違う。通常形態が「ジンライ」、スーパー・パワーマスター形態が「スーパージンライ」、ゴッドボンバーと合体した最終形態が「ゴッドジンライ」である。

{powermaster} Getaway ゲッタウェイ
語義:<口語> 逃走 (getaway)
Warrior (突撃兵)
" Run hot, but always keep your cool. "
パワー 4 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 10
階級 7 勇気 10 火力 6 技能 8
An escape artist without equal. Uses finese and logic to get out of any situation. Possesses expert tactical and strategic military skills. Binary-bonded to Rev, a smooth-running, 600 horsepower racing engine. Equipped with bullet-proof windows and shell-resistant battle armor. Built-in onboard computers can be programmed for long-distance navigation. Armed with a double-barrelled, plasma-shell shotgun.
Robot ⇔ White car
ロボット ⇔ 自動車 (白)
Rev レヴ
語源:<口語>エンジンの回転 (rev)
Powermaster figure ⇔ engine
パワーマスター・フィギュア ⇔ エンジン

{powermaster} Joyride ジョイライド
語義:<口語> 悪質運転 (joyride)
Warrior (突撃兵)
" Enjoy each moment like it's your last. "
パワー 6 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 10
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 6 技能 7
A reckless road-racing robot. Always drives faster than he should. Enjoys the thrill of racing at high speeds. Fights for the fun ot it, which annoys many of his more serious-minded Autobots. Titanium-belted wheels secrete adhesives for pinpoint maneuverability on the road. Binary-bonded to the Nebulan, Hotwire, a reformed car theif and ace mechanic. Also armed with photon blaster that freezes internal mechanisms on impact.
Robot ⇔ Green dune buggy
ロボット ⇔ 砂漠仕様バギー (緑)
Hotwire ホットワイア
語源:熱い電線 (hot wire)
Powermaster figure ⇔ engine
パワーマスター・フィギュア ⇔ エンジン

{powermaster} Slapdash スラップダッシュ
語義:向こう見ず (slapdash)
Interceptor (迎撃要員)
" Sometimes, if you wait long enough, problems solve themselves. "
パワー 5 知能 5 スピード 5 持久力 7
階級 4 勇気 8 火力 6 技能 5
Disorganized, neglectful, sloppy; Often goes to war without his weapon, or grinds to a halt for lack of fuel. Relies on others to pay the consequences for his mistakes. Often locked in vehicle mode because he's left behind his partner, the Nebulan, Lube, without whom he can't transform. Lube is meticulous, short-tempered, and usually at odds with Slapdash. Armed with a powerful electro magnetizer That drains Decepticon power sources.
Robot ⇔ Yellow racing car
ロボット ⇔ レーシングカー (黄)
Lube ルーブ
語源:無骨者 (lubber) のもじり?
Powermaster figure ⇔ engine
パワーマスター・フィギュア ⇔ エンジン

Decepticon Powermaster ディセプティコン軍 パワーマスター部隊
ダブルディーラーは2体のパワーマスター・フィギュアを持ち、合体するフィギュアによってオートボット形態 (ロボット) と ディセプティコン形態 (ワシ) の2種に変形するようになっている (任務が「傭兵」なのはこのためだ。所属がディセプティコン扱いなのは、いま現在たまたまディセプティコン軍に雇われているという設定なのだろう)。

{powermaster} Doubledealer ダブルディーラー
語義:二心を持つ者 (doubledealer)
Mercenary (傭兵)
" The price of victory is never too high. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 9
階級 8 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 9
A ruthless, battle-ready robot for rent. A traitorous backstabber. Only loyal to the highest bidder. Valued by all, trusted by none. When binary-bonded to Knok, Doubledealer disguises himself as an Autobot robot. When binary-bonded to the bat creature, Skar, Doubledealer transforms into a Decepticon falcon. Armed with intercontinental ballistic missile that can travel 3,000 miles in 30 minutes. Equipped with enough explosives to flatten a mountain range. Uses solid light blaster in robot mode.
Robot ⇔ Green/Purple eagle/missile launcher
ロボット ⇔ タカ ⇔ ミサイルランチャー (緑/紫)
Knok ノック
語源:打撃 (knock) のもじり
Powermaster figure ⇔ engine (for robot mode)
パワーマスター・フィギュア ⇔ エンジン (ロボット形態用)
Skar スカー
語源:傷跡 (scar) のもじり
Bat ⇔ engine (for eagle mode)
コウモリ ⇔ エンジン (タカ形態用)

{powermaster} Dreadwind ドレッドウィンド
語義:恐るべき風 (dread wind)
Air Defense (防空兵)
" Fear is a friend whose presence is felt long after he's left. "
パワー 6 知能 8 スピード 7 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 7 技能 8
As ominous as a storm cloud and as chilling as a winter breeze. Grim and gloomy -- always acts as if his best friend just became permanently inoperative. Binary-bonded to the Nebulan, Hi-Test, a thrill-seeking, over-achieving perfectionist, constantly striving to keep Dreadwind's morose mind on his evil work. Equipped with two thermal melters and two air-to-air missiles. Combines with Darkwing to form Dreadwing.
Robot ⇔ White F-16 jet
ロボット ⇔ F16ジェット戦闘機(白)
Hi-Test ハイ=テスト
語源:高度な試験 (high test)
Powermaster figure ⇔ engine
パワーマスター・フィギュア ⇔ エンジン

{powermaster} Darkwing ダークウィング
語義:闇の翼 (dark wing)
Aerial Assault (空襲要員)
" Things are never as bad as they seem -- usually they're worse. "
パワー 6 知能 7 スピード 7 持久力 5
階級 5 勇気 7 火力 7 技能 8
Never has anything nice to say, but says it anyway. Believes that life is one long ordeal of pain and suffering and strives to insure that others experience more of it than he does. Binary bonded to the Nebulan, Throttle, a hot-headed burglar prone to over-heating while in engine mode. Armed with two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters. Combines with Dreadwind to form the fearsome Dreadwing.
Robot ⇔ Grey Panavia Tornado S.2 jet
ロボット ⇔ パナヴィア=トーネードS2ジェット戦闘機(グレー)
Throttle スロットル
語源:スロットル (※エンジン等の絞り弁) / 首を締める者 (throttle)
Powermaster figure ⇔ engine
パワーマスター・フィギュア ⇔ エンジン

Dreadwing ドレッドウィング
語源:恐るべき翼 (dread wing)
Jet ⇔ Jet + Jet
大型ジェット戦闘機 ⇔ ジェット戦闘機 + ジェット戦闘機

Autobot Pretender オートボット軍 プリテンダー部隊
「プリテンダー」とは詐称者の意で、「不当に王位を奪う者」という使い方もされる。こう書くとあまり良い意味の言葉に思えないが、オールディーズの名曲『Great Pretender』などで分かる通り、広義的には「ふりをする人」という程度の意味。

{pretender} Splashdown スプラッシュダウン
語義:着水 (splashdown)
Naval Commander (海上指揮官)
" Outflank your enemy and you won't have to outgun him. "
パワー 7 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 7
階級 8 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 8
A hard-living, hard-hitting, wind-torn soldier. A veteran of battles on 10,000 oceans on 1,000 worlds throughout the universe. At home on water, mercury, even liquid lead. Outer shell armed with long-range, armor-piercing harpoon gun and electro-sword. Robot and hovercraft modes armed with photon blaster. Outer shell composed of high-density armor impervious to corrosive liquids and strong enough to withstand underwater depths of over 30,000 feet. Transforms to hovercraft with maximum speed of 210 mph.
Robot ⇔ Red/Grey hovership < Human
ロボット ⇔ ホバー船(赤/グレー) < 人間

{pretender} Gunrunner ガンラナー
語義:銃と走る者 (gun runner) / 銃器の密輸入者 (gunrunner)
Squadron Leader (騎兵大隊長)
" The truth wrapped in a lie is still a lie. "
パワー 7 知能 9 スピード 7 持久力 6
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 7
A super hero in reverse. Daring and defiant when inside outer vehicle, but shy and insecure when out on his own. Armored outer vehicle equipped with armored wheels and hydraulic lifters for all-terrain combat capabilities. Gunrunner transforms from robot mode to hypersonic jet with a maximum speed of Mach 5. Equipped with twin, turreted 8MM electro-static cannons with a range of over 60 miles. Also armed with two armor-piercing, energy-plasma missiles. Armor plating equipped with thermal generators that "burn" through solid rock.
Robot ⇔ Green/Orange tec jet < car
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ジェット機 < 自動車

{pretender} Cloudburst クラウドバースト
Space Defense (宇宙防衛官)
" You can't tell a bot by his cover! "
パワー 7 知能 8 スピード 10 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 7
Aggressive, witty and charming, but only when hiding in his outer shell! Wary of everyone and everything, especially Decepticons. Uses his outer shell to disguise his dull personality as well as himself. Reluctant to leave his outer shell so he can transform into an interplanetary star cruiser, armed with particle beam cannon. Within shell, armed with lightning whip and thunderbolt laser pistol.
しぶしぶながらも外装を解くのは、粒子ビーム砲をそなえた惑星間宇宙巡洋艦に変形するときだけだ。外装に包まれている間は、光ウィップ (ムチ) と雷電レーザー銃で武装している。
Robot ⇔ Red jet < Human
ロボット ⇔ ジェット戦闘機 (赤) < 人間

{pretender} Groundbreaker グラウンドブレイカー
語義:地を砕く者 (ground breaker) ※break groundで「耕す」の意も。
Ground Trooper (陸軍騎兵)
" The first one in is the first to win! "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 4 持久力 3
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 9
A fast-moving fighting machine. Always the first to arrive and the first to start shooting. Brash, impulsive. Acts like someone with his foot on the accelerator. Built-in thermal and geological sensors in helmet home in on enemy installations and fuel supplies. High-density outer armor emits laser beam force field that can withstand direct enemy bombardment. Equipped with state-of-the-art, radar-targeting electron assault rifle. Also armed with laser-guided, programmable pulse blaster that flies and functions by remote control. Rocket car has all-terrain capabilities and can reach speeds of Mach 1.
Robot ⇔ Grey tec car < Human
ロボット ⇔ 未来風自動車 (グレー) < 人間

{pretender} Landmine ランドマイン
語義:地雷 (landmine)
Asteroid Miner (惑星間地雷工兵)
" The greatest treasures are found in the darkest places! "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 5 火力 10 技能 8
A hard-working hothead. Always concerned with getting the job done right. Outer shell constructed of high density Cybertronic alloy, impervious to most armaments. Outside his shell, transforms into all-terrain, exploration vehicle. Mining activities facilitated by electromagnetic, sonic, thermal, chemical and radiation scanners. Armed with laser saber and astro blaster that shoots concentrated bursts of incendiary explosives.
Robot ⇔ Yellow mine sweeper < Human
ロボット ⇔ 地雷除去車 (黄) < 人間

Sky High スカイ・ハイ
語義:空高き飛翔 (sky-high)
Scout (偵察兵)
" Imagination is the key that unlocks the chains of reality. "
パワー 6 知能 8 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 8
A flying powerhouse of mechanical muscle. All brawn and no brains. Has trouble remembering where he is and why he's fighting. Leg-mounted energy beams temporarily burn out enemy visual sensors, rendering them sightless. Utility belt equipped with side-mounted, plutonium blasters with suborbital capabilities. Transforms to jet helicopter with long-range assault capablities. Helicopter rotor also doubles as a molecular, bond-smashing, sonic scythe. Also armed with impulse-scrambling stun gun that jams enemy frequencies.
脚部のエネルギー・ビームは敵の画像センサーを一時的に焼き切り、相手の目を奪う。万能ベルトの脇にはプルトニウム・ブラスターを装備、衛星軌道までも射程に入れる。長距離強襲用ジェットヘリに変形し、そのローターは分子結合をも破壊する音波鎌 (カマ) の役割もはたす。さらに敵の周波数を混乱させる衝撃撹乱式スタンガンをも装備している。
Robot ⇔ Red/Grey tec helicopter < Human
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ヘリコプター(赤/グレー)< 人間

{pretender} Waverider ウェイヴライダー
語義:波に乗る者 (wave rider)
Naval Warfare (海上戦術官)
" Freedom for all starts with freedom of navigation. "
パワー 7 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 8
A furious fighter and formidable adversary in battle. Prefers exploring the ocean bottom for buried treasure over warfare. Enjoys the "out-of-body" experience of working side-by-side with his humanoid shell. Without shell, transforms to aquatic sea-skimmer capable of diving to a depth of 25,000 feet! Armed for underwater combat with armored shell, energy-spear gun and a thermal broad-axe!
装甲を外せば、水中のジェット機へと変形する。その潜航可能深度は7620m! 武装装甲には深海戦闘用のエネルギー貫通銃・熱ブロードアックス (大斧) までもが装備されているのだ。
Robot ⇔ Black hovercraft/submersible < Human
ロボット ⇔ ホバークラフト/潜水艦(黒)< 人間

{pretender} Catilla キャティラ
語義:猫 (cat) と悪 (ill) の合成語
Surveillance (哨戒兵)
" Stalk before you strike. "
パワー 8 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 6 火力 6 技能 9
Silent, yet vigilant. Enjoys stalking his victims and then moving in to attack. Nothing escapes his cunning clutches. Battle helmet equipped with infrared sensors, long range radar and tracking systems. Whip-like tail can crush buildings with its iron grip. Top-mounted turbo blaster provides phenomenal speed and agility on the battlefield. Maximum speed: 150 mph. Armed with air concussion cannon, durabyllium-steel alloy fangs and claws that can slash through the thickest armor.
頭部装甲は赤外線センサー・長距離レーダー・追跡システムを備え、鋼鉄の柄をもつムチ状の尾はビルすら叩き壊す。上部に備えられたターボ・ブラスターは戦場で最強の速度と敏捷性を彼に与える。その最高速度は時速約240km。空気振動砲とデュラビリウム合金 (※訳注:「デュラビリウム」はdurabile: 耐久 のもじり) の牙と爪はぶ厚い装甲すら切り裂く。
Robot ⇔ Grey sabretooth tiger < sabretooth tiger
ロボット ⇔ サーベルタイガー(グレー)< サーベルタイガー

{pretender} Chainclaw チェインクロー
語義:鎖の爪 (chain claw)
Ground Trooper (陸軍騎兵)
" The only thing for certain is uncertainty. "
パワー 9 知能 6 スピード 5 持久力 8
階級 5 勇気 4 火力 7 技能 6
A ferocious warrior. Usually too busy worrying to fight. Always afraid his outer shell won't unlock, that his fuel might be low, that his joints are rusting or almost anything imaginable. Sometimes appears inoperative because he worries himself to a standstill. Outer shell is equipped with serrated thermal claws that can sear through metal like paper. In robot mode, armed with a double-barreled, solid sonic energy blaster.
Robot ⇔ Grey/yellow grizzly bear < grizzly bear
ロボット ⇔ グリズリー(グレー/黄)< グリズリー

Decepticon Pretender ディセプティコン軍 プリテンダー部隊

{pretender} Bomb-burst ボム=バースト
語義:集中爆撃 (bomb burst)
Predator (略奪員)
" The greater the foe, the sweeter his fuel! "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 7 持久力 4
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 8
A vicious, vile automated vampire! Enjoys swooping down on unsuspecting Autobots and using his serrated metallic fangs to drain the fuel from his victims. Specially-textured outer shell causes rust rash on contact. Blinded by bright sunlight. The ultimate terror in darkness. Without shell, transforms into a vertical take-off and landing hover jet with dual lasers. Within shell, armed with corrosive slime shooter and armor-piercing battle axe!
危険にして下劣なる機械のヴァンパイア! 急降下による奇襲を好み、ノコ状の牙で餌食のオートボットから燃料を吸い上げる。さらに特製の外装は触れただけで腐食発疹を引き起こすのだ。明るい太陽光の下では視界を奪われるが、闇の中では究極の危険人物だ。
Robot ⇔ Blue tec jet (bat monster)
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ジェット戦闘機(青)< コウモリ型モンスター

{pretender} Bugly バグリー
語義:虫に似た者 (bugly)
Strategist (戦略家)
" The greatest power is the power to control. "
パワー 6 知能 9 スピード 6 持久力 7
階級 7 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 9
A deadly warrior with pinpoint maneuverability in the air. Intense, mystical, and very cruel. Practices the deadly martial art of Circuit-Su, which channels energy into one powerful electric blast. Electro-stingers in helmet deliver 3,000 volt charges that paralyze on contact. Also armed with 2 photon rifles. Transforms to lasered, hover jet with built-in, forward-thrust turbo boosters. Also able to pilot outer shell by remote control.
Robot ⇔ Purple tec jet (insect monster)
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ジェット戦闘機(紫)< 昆虫型モンスター

{pretender} Finback フィンバック
語義:背びれ (fin back)
Naval Assault (海上強襲兵)
" Ashes to ashes, rust to rust. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 4 持久力 3
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 9
A freezing, wretched wreck in the making. Outer shell serves as container for his loose components. Enjoys making his enemies feel worse than he does. External, pressure-sensitive shell enables him to dive to a depth of 30,000 feet. Specially- reinforced scale armor is composed of "living" mecha-organisms that regenerate spontaneously to protect inner circuitry. Equipped with metal-corroding stun rifle that ensures the enemy in a layer of thick, vicious underwater slime. Transforms to high-speed hovercraft equipped with long range sonar and scanners. Also armed with jet-propelled, armor-piercing harpoon gun.
Robot ⇔ Grey hovership (fish monster)
ロボット ⇔ ホバー船(グレー)< 魚型モンスター

{pretender} Iguanus イグワーナス
語義:イグアナ (iguana)のもじり
Terror Trooper (テロ活動部隊員)
" Sow the seeds of fear and victory is yours."
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 4 持久力 3
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 9
A hideous, slithering monster. So in love with his loathsome, lizard-like outer shell that he rarely removes it. Shares misguided comradery with all reptiles. Equipped with super robotic strength. Able to crush cars with his reptilian claws. Hypno-beams in eyes penetrate enemy cerebro-circuits and override primary programming directives. Armed with hurricane air-blaster that shoots concussive blasts of pressurized air. Wheels in cycle mode equipped with spinning blades that tear through enemy armor. Built-in anti-gyrostators able to disrupt equilibrium of enemy robots.
Robot ⇔ Blue hoverbike (iguana monster)
ロボット ⇔ ホバー・バイク(青)< イグアナ型モンスター

{pretender} Skullgrin スカルグリン
語義:髑髏の笑み (skull grin)
Siege Warrior (包囲戦闘員)
" Those who stand against me shall soon fall before me! "
パワー 9 知能 9 スピード 4 持久力 9
階級 6 勇気 10 火力 8 技能 5
A brutal, uncontrollable engine of destruction! Doesn't stop attacking until everything is destroyed! Never retreats from danger. Usually communicates in a series of snorts and snarls. In creature shell, wields a double slagmaker laser and metal-rending vibro sword! Without shell, transforms into a shrapnel blasting assault tank!
凶暴にして制御不能な破壊機関! 全てが破壊されるまで誰にも止められない! 危険の前でも退却を知らず、彼の通信はたいてい荒い鼻息とうなり声で構成される。
生物装甲の装着時には、スラッグ (火山) メーカー・レーザーと鉄をも引き裂く振動剣を自在に操る! 装甲を外せば榴散弾装備のアサルトタンクに変形だ!
Robot ⇔ Purple drill (bull monster)
ロボット ⇔ ドリル戦車(紫)< 雄牛型モンスター

{pretender} Submarauder サブマローダー
語義:海底に潜む者 (submarine) と略奪者 (marauder) の合成語
Undersea Warfare (海中戦術官)
" Conquer the seas and the rest will fall! "
パワー 8 知能 9 スピード 5 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 8
As silent and mysterious as the ocean depths. Sly and sinister. Roams the sea in solitary contentment. Angers easily, exploding into a furious frenzy. Serrated claws can shred a battleship like paper. Transforms into deep sea attack submarine, armed with proton cannon. Inside shell, weilds torpedo rifle and unbreakable, organic-steel sword that eats metal on contact.
Robot ⇔ Purple submarine (fish monster)
ロボット ⇔ 潜水艦(紫)< 魚型モンスター

{pretender} Roadgrabber ロウドグラバー
語義:道をつかみ取る者 (road grabber)
Gunner (射撃兵)
" Destruction has a beauty all its own. "
パワー 7 知能 7 スピード 7 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 8
A road-ripping demon of destruction. The cruelest of the cruel. Able to hide undetected inside his bullet-proof protective shell and use its front-mounted claws to crush his enemies. Transforms from robot mode to fast attack hover jet with vectored thrusters for lightning-fast maneuverability. Built-in, turbo-powered boosters enable him to reach speeds over 3000 mph. Also equipped with subspace capabilities. Armed with dual pom-pom action freeze lasers that convert to flamethrower cannons.
Robot ⇔ Blue tec jet (car)
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ジェット戦闘機(青)< 自動車

{pretender} Carnivac カーナバック
語義:狂乱 (carnival) と 肉食獣 (carnivore) のもじり
Hunter/Tracker (捜索官/追跡官)
" A cunning smile is more devastating than the fiercest weapon. "
パワー 6 知能 5 スピード 7 持久力 9
階級 4 勇気 7 火力 7 技能 8
A growling, howling, mad dog destroyer. Commits abominable acts with unrelenting glee. Always smiling, even in battle. Outer shell has built-in hydrolic lifters that enable him to jump over 50 feet in any direction. High-intensity laser beams in eyes incinerate targets in seconds. In robot mode, armed with anti-thermal cannon with infrared scope that freezes targets on impact.
Robot ⇔ Purple wolf (timber wolf)
ロボット ⇔ 狼(紫)< シンリンオオカミ (※北米産の大型狼)

{pretender} Snarler スナーラー
語義:麻痺させる者・唸る者 (snarler)
Assault Warrior (強襲戦闘員)
" Stealing isn't a crime, getting caught is. "
パワー 7 知能 5 スピード 3 持久力 10
階級 3 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 7
A selfish, obnoxious master of destruction. Does everything for himself. Refuses to follow orders. Transforms to boar with front-mounted, razor-tipped drill that drains enemy fuel supplies. Horns on outer shell equipped with sonar distorters that disrupt the flow of cerecral impulses and rupture enemy circuitry. Also equipped with armored hide on outer shell and a 30mm submachine gun in his tail. In robot mode, armed with programmable explosive shell rotary cannon. Range: 6 miles.
Robot ⇔ Gold boar (boar)
ロボット ⇔ イノシシ(金)< イノシシ

Autobot Sparkabot オートボット軍スパーカボット部隊

Fizzle フィズル
語義:(花火のような)シューッという音 (fizzle)
Military Strategist (軍事戦略家)
" Planning a battle is ten times more important than fighting it. "
パワー 6 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 2
階級 6 勇気 6 火力 1 技能 8
Overloads his circuits with grandiose schemes and cheap fuel. Acts as if his true worth is measured not by what he does, but how much he talks about doing it. If he could run on his own hot air, he'd go forever. In car mode, leaves trails of flame in his path. Capable of going from 0 to 200 mph in 8 seconds. Prone to stalling on left turns. Possesses superior logistics and geographical data banks.
Robot ⇔ Blue Formula 1 racing car
ロボット ⇔ F1レーシングカー (青)

Guzzle ガズル
語義:大食らい (guzzle)
Ground Assault (陸上強襲兵)
" It's better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all. "
パワー 7 知能 6 スピード 2 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 4
A battle-hardened survivor of the software wars of Polyhex. His hunger for combat is only equalled by his hunger for fuel. Tough, no nonsense, has few enemies and even fewer friends. He can thread a washer from 2.5 miles with a blast from his plasma cannon. Flame exhaust in tank mode incinerates on contact. Requires considerable fuel consumption.
Robot ⇔ Grey tank
ロボット ⇔ 戦車(グレー)

Sizzle シズル
語義:(熱で)ジューッという音 (sizzle)
Interceptor (迎撃要員)
" Life in the fast lane is the only life worth living. "
パワー 4 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 7 火力 6 技能 5
Exceeds the speed limit and every other limit. Drives faster, uses more energy and gets into more fights than any other Autobot. A thrill-seeker. Enjoys life only when he's in danger. If he's not burning rubber, he's scorching Decepticons with his flamethrower exaust. Maximum speed: 220mph. Range: 550 miles.
Robot ⇔ Black sports car
ロボット ⇔ スポーツカー(黒)

Decepticon Firecon ディセプティコン軍 ファイアコン部隊

Sparkstalker スパークストーカー
語義:火花に忍び寄る者 (spark stalker)
Cryptologist (暗号学研究員)
" The smallest details reveal the largest secrets. "
パワー 5 知能 9 スピード 2 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 6 火力 4 技能 9
His greatest talents are revealed in the tiniest structures. An expert at robbing banks, counterfeiting printed circuits, decoding binary messages. Meticulous, cautious, obsessed with minute details. Decepticons appreciate his appearance more than his other talents because he terrifies Autobots. Shoots flame from his mouth with limited accuracy. Better equipped to light campfires than melt Autobots.
Robot ⇔ Pink bird-dragon monster
ロボット ⇔ 飛竜型モンスター(ピンク)

Cindersaur シンデソア
語義:灰(cinder)と恐竜(-saur)の合成語 / 灰かぶり(シンデレラ: Cinderella)のもじり
Firestorm Trooper (放火部隊員)
" Crash and burn... and burn... and burn. "
パワー 7 知能 3 スピード 2 持久力 4
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 8
Incinerates everything in his path so he can find his way home. Leaves a trail of charred ground wherever he goes. Probably fried some of his brain circuits from excessive smoke inhalation. Enjoys taking flame baths to soothe his aching joints. Equipped with fusion-powered flame breath that can be focused in a narrow stream or sprayed in a wide angle. His hobbies include barbecuing Autobots and drinking volcanic lava.
Robot ⇔ Purple bird-dragon monster
ロボット ⇔ 飛竜型モンスター(紫)

Flamefeather フレイムフェザー
語義:燃え盛る羽毛 (flame feather)
Warrior (突撃兵)
" The only good Autobot is a deactivated Autobot. "
パワー 6 知能 4 スピード 5 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 5
The only Decepticon ever thrown out of the Decepticon Military Academy for being too violent. Trashes entire car lots when there's nothing better to do. Usually works alone because his fellow Decepticons refuse to work with him. Flamethrower inside his mouth can fry a football field. Maximum flight speed: 90mph. Greatest achievement: talking to someone for more than a minute before flying into a rage.
Robot ⇔ Blue bird-dragon monster
ロボット ⇔ 飛竜型モンスター(青)

Autobot Triggerbot オートボット軍トリガーボット部隊

Backstreet バックストリート
語義:裏町 (back street)
Lookout (監視兵)
" A moment of indecision can be your last. "
パワー 6 知能 6 スピード 6 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 6 火力 7 技能 7
A temperamental, twitchy bundle of tightly-wound circuits. Jumps from one mode to another at the drop of a gasket. Constantly jumping to the wrong conclusions. Headlights equipped with high-intensity heat rays that turn enemy robots into molten steel. Fires 2 independent, targetable, laser-guided proton missile cannons. Able to accelerate up to 400 mph for 60 seconds, using rear rocket thrusters.
Robot ⇔ Orange Porsche racer
ロボット ⇔ ポルシェ・レーシング仕様(オレンジ)

Override オウヴァーライド
語義:蹂躙する者・乗り潰す者 (override)
Scout (偵察兵)
" Let your actions do your talking and no one will misunderstand you. "
パワー 5 知能 8 スピード 5 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 6 技能 8
A proud, loud, two-wheeled fighting machine. Enjoys tearing up roads and shooting up Decepticons. Doesn't know the meaning of the word "muffler". Roars into battle with his guns blazing. Equipped with armored, reinforced windshield that's able to withstand direct enemy bombardment. Also armed with twin, side-mounted, armor-piercing, particle beam cannons.
高慢で騒々しい、二輪戦闘マシーン。彼の楽しみといえば道路を走り抜けることと、ディセプティコンを撃ち抜くことだ。「マフラー (消音機)」など彼の辞書には存在しない。戦場で彼の怒鳴り声と銃声が止むことはない。
Robot ⇔ Red/Blue motorcycle
ロボット ⇔ バイク(赤/青)

Dogfight ドッグファイト
語義:激戦 (dogfight)
Aerial Combat (航空戦闘兵)
" Don't fire 'til you see the lights of their eyes. "
パワー 7 知能 5 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 10 火力 7 技能 9
A wild, wicked street fighter of the skyways. Never met a Decepticon he didn't want to destroy immediately. Likes to go nosecone-to-nosecone with his opponents in a "dance of doom" as he puts it. Equipped with rear-mounted fusion-powered blowtorch blasters in jet and robot modes. Also armed with serrated wingtips that cut through solid steel.
荒々しい暴れ者のストリートファイター、その航空版。彼がディセプティコンを前にして破壊衝動にかられない事などありえない。彼が好むのはノーズコーン (※飛行機の先端部分) 同士の接触、名付けて「破滅のダンス」。
Robot ⇔ Blue Grumman X-29 jet
ロボット ⇔ グラマンX29(青)

Deception Triggercon ディセプティコン軍トリガーコン部隊

Crankcase クランクケイス
語義:クランク用のケース (crank-case) / 奇妙なやつ (crank case)
Data Collector (情報収集員)
" Things are never as good as they seem. "
パワー 8 知能 6 スピード 3 持久力 9
階級 7 勇気 7 火力 8 技能 8
A wheezing, whining ingrate. As welcome as a rash of rust-rot. The worse things get, the happier he is. Enjoys complaining about everything. Equipped with vast memory storage capacity and shell-resistant armor. Also equipped with infrared probes that penetrate and analyze enemy circuitry. Armed with two high-impact laser blasters and a distortion modulator that scrambles enemy cerebral impulses.
彼の武器は膨大な記憶容量と防弾アーマー。さらに赤外線探査装置を装備し、敵の回路を分析する。2挺の重衝撃レーザーブラスターと、敵の大脳インパルスを混乱させるディストーション・モジュレーター (歪曲変調機) を備えている。
Robot ⇔ Dark Blue/white 4 x 4
ロボット ⇔ 4輪駆動車(ダークブルー/白)

Windsweeper ウィンドスウィーパー
語義:風を巻き起こす者 (wind sweeper)
Air Defense (防空兵)
" Uninvited guests soon become smouldering wrecks. "
パワー 8 知能 3 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 6
Malicious and meticulous. Feels the sky is his home and that it should be kept "clean" of anything that flies. Notorious for shooting at anything, including his fellow Decepticons. High- intensity heat generators in wings enable him to sear through solid steel. Also equipped with long-range infrared scanners, sensitive enough to find a lug-nut in a junkyard. Armed with two, lock-target, long-range laser cannons.
Robot ⇔ Brown B-1B Lancer jet
ロボット ⇔ B-1Bランサー戦闘機(茶)

Ruckus ラッカス
語義:騒動 (ruckus)
Combat Assault (白兵戦闘員)
" I take a licking and keep on kicking. "
パワー 8 知能 8 スピード 5 持久力 3
階級 5 勇気 10 火力 8 技能 7
A rolling bucket of bolts. Always looks like he just lost a demolition derby. Willing to take big risks on the battlefield because he's in such a state of disrepair. A deadly, devastating warrior. Adept at ramming his enemies and then running them over. Nail-studded tires can tread over anything. Also able to emit viscous oil slicks that send his enemies into a tail spin. Armed with heavy-duty rocket launchers that fire mercury tipped explosives.
Robot ⇔ White/Blue dune buggy
ロボット ⇔ 砂漠仕様バギー(白/青)

Autobot Targetmaster オートボット軍 ターギットマスター部隊

{target} Quickmix クィックミックス
語義:素早い混合 (quick mix)
Chemist (化学研究員)
" The faster it is, the better I like it. "
パワー 6 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 6
Impatient, short-tempered inventor. Always in a hurry. Constantly devising new formulas and developing new ways to defeat the Decepticons. Somewhat absent-minded. Too busy starting new projects to see his old experiments through to the end. Teamed with the mercurial Nebulan, Ricochet, who transforms into a submachine gun and the bombastic Boomer, who turns into a sonic pulse cannon. In vehicle mode, reaches maximum speed of 150 mph.
Robot ⇔ Red cement mixer
ロボット ⇔ ミキサー車(赤)
Ricochet リコシェイ
語源:跳飛 (※弾丸や石などが平面や水面に当たって跳ね返る動作) (ricochet)
Yellow Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(黄) ⇔ 武器
Boomer ブーマー
語源:轟かせる者 (boomer)
Blue Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(青) ⇔ 武器

{target} Scoop スクープ
語義:シャベル (scoop)
Field Infantry (平原歩兵)
" Generosity has its own rewards. "
パワー 7 知能 8 スピード 3 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 8
A gung-ho fighter who never gives up. Considered the best in the field. Uses cool headed logic and hardened battle tactics to outwit his enemies. Always ready to lend a helping shovel to his fellow Autobots, no matter how dangerous the situation. The kind of soldier you want around when you're pinned down in a slug swamp with no ammunition. Teamed with Tracer who transforms into a twin laser-guided ion blaster, and Holepunch, a former office manager turned military man who transforms into a steel-shattering dual compression cannon.
Robot ⇔ Orange payloader
ロボット ⇔ ペイローダー(オレンジ)
Tracer トレイサー
語源:追跡者 (tracer)
Yellow Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(黄) ⇔ 武器
Holepunch ホウルパンチ
語源:穴を開けるようなパンチ (hole punch) ※パンチ (punch) 自体にも「穴」という意味があり、意図的な重複表現にもなっている.
Blue Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(青) ⇔ 武器

{target} Landfill ランドフィル
語義:ゴミ埋立地 (Landfill)
Materials Transport (素材輸送兵)
" Adventure is found in unlikely places. "
パワー 8 知能 6 スピード 2 持久力 8
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 7
A four-wheeled garbage site. Leaves a trail of decaying refuse wherever he goes. Friendly, cheerful, but a bit of a slob. His Nebulan partners are Silencer, a noiseless, recoiless proton rifle, and Flintlock, a heat-targeting stress pistol which induces metal fatigue and fractures in steel. Fellow Autobots dislike working with Landfill because he's filthy and smells so bad.
Robot ⇔ Brown dump truck
ロボット ⇔ ダンプ車(茶)
Flintlock フリントロック
語源:フリントロック銃 (※旧式の火打ち石銃) (flintlock)
Blue Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(青) ⇔ 武器
Silencer サイレンサー
語源:(銃に使う) 消音器・沈黙させる者 (silencer)
Yellow Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(黄) ⇔ 武器

Decepticon Targetmaster ディセプティコン軍 ターギットマスター部隊
本年リリースの3体のうち2体が飛行機型というあたりに、初期のディセプティコンの名残がかろうじて残っている (ちなみにオートボットのターギットマスターは全機が車輌型)。

{target} Spinister スピニスター
語義:きりもみ降下させる者 (spinister)
Aerial Assault (空襲要員)
" Respect your foes' abilities as you would your own. "
パワー 6 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 6
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 9 技能 8
An eerie aerial adventurer. As much of a mystery to his fellow Decepticons as he is to his enemies. Talks little, reveals less. Spends most of his time off on his own. Enjoys scaring unwary Autobots and then attacking them while they're off guard. Equipped with infrared attack sensors in helicopter mode. Teamed with two Nebulans: Singe, who converts to a dual flamethrower and Hairsplitter, who turns into a twin lock-target laser rifle.
Robot ⇔ Blue/Purple Apache helicopter
ロボット ⇔ アパッチ・ヘリコプター(青/紫)
Hairsplitter ヘアスプリッター
語源:小言屋 (hairsplitter) / 髪を裂く者 (hair splitter)
Purple Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(紫) ⇔ 武器
Singe シンジ
語源:焦げ跡 (singe)
Black Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(黒) ⇔ 武器

{target} Needlenose ニードルノウズ
語義:尖った鼻 (needle nose)・先細の機首 (needle-nose)
Aerial Warrior (航空戦闘員)
" Get hip or get hit! "
パワー 7 知能 6 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 8 技能 7
The coolest Decepticon ever to crush an Autobot. Believes the secret to being bad is to be "BAD". Trendy. Fascinated by Earthly fads. Always tries to fit in, even when it's impossible. So busy being cool he seldom joins in battle. Teamed with Sunbeam, a solar powered beach bum who transforms into a light burst discharger and Zigzag, who transforms into a slightly-inaccurate, twin electrostatic overloader rifle.
Robot ⇔ Grey delta-wing F-16 jet
ロボット ⇔ F-16デルタ翼ジェット機(グレー)
Sunbeam サンビーム
語源:太陽光線 (sunbeam)
Purple Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(紫) ⇔ 武器
Zigzag ジグザグ
語源:ジグザグ形 (zigzag)
Black Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(黒) ⇔ 武器

{target} Quake クウェイク
語義:震え・<口語>地震 (quake)
Ground Assault (陸上強襲兵)
" Nothing lasts forever... so why not destroy it now? "
パワー 8 知能 4 スピード 3 持久力 9
階級 5 勇気 9 火力 9 技能 6
A destructive berzerker. Attacks everyone and everything with a vengeance. Doesn't stop shooting until everything is in ruins. Capable of leveling an entire Autobot installation in minutes. Titanium based treads are equipped with special adhesive that enables Quake to climb sheer cliff surfaces. Known for his somewhat "off the wall" battle tactics. Teamed with Tiptop, a former circus strongman who transforms into a balance-altering, gyroscopic destabilizing weapon, and Heater, a smart-aleck street punk who transforms into a double photon pistol. Equipped with plasma cannon in tank mode.
Robot ⇔ Red tank
ロボット ⇔ 戦車(赤)
Heater ヒーター
語源:発熱器 (heater) / 熱くする者 (heater)
Black Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(黒) ⇔ 武器
Tiptop ティップトップ
語源:頂上 / <口語>最高 (tip-top)
Purple Targetmaster figure ⇔ Weapon
ターギットマスター・フィギュア(紫) ⇔ 武器

Autobot Headmaster オートボット軍ヘッドマスター部隊

Nightbeat ナイトビート
語義:夜の鼓動 (night beat)
Detective (探査員)
" Truth is revealed in the smallest detail."
パワー 5 知能 8 スピード 7 持久力 6
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 9
Tough, no-nonsense type. Sometimes breaks rules in order to get what he wants. Works best when he works alone. As comfortable driving down a dark alley as he is on a well-lit, six-lane superhighway. Binary-bonded to Muzzle, a Nebulan private detective with an eye for detail. Carries two photon pistols and a plasma blaster with an infra-red sight. Also equipped with visual and audio sensors. Usually gets by with just cool-headed logic.
Robot ⇔ Blue Porsche 930 Turbo
ロボット ⇔ ポルシェ930ターボ(青)
Muzzle マズル
語源:(犬・猫の) 鼻・銃口・口止めする者 (muzzle)
Headmaster figure ⇔ Head
ヘッドマスター・フィギュア ⇔ 頭部

Siren サイレン
語義:サイレン (siren) / セイレーン (Siren) ※ギリシャ神話に登場する歌声の魔女
Incendiary Damage Control (火災被害統制官)
" Act first, ask questions later. "
パワー 6 知能 7 スピード 6 持久力 7
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 6 技能 6
Raised in the deafening Sonic Canyons of southern Cybertron. Loud, somewhat overbearing. Screams orders at his Autobot subordinates. Dominates any conversation because he's louder than everyone else. Binary-bonded to the Nebulan, Quig, a soft-spoken librarian who jumps whenever Siren starts bellowing. Armed with sawed-off CO2 shotgun that shoots bursts of high-impact frozen gas. Also armed with two armor-piercing, sonic-screamer pistols.
Robot ⇔ Grey fire cruiser
ロボット ⇔ 消防指令車(グレー)
Quig クィグ
語源:静寂 (quiet) のもじり?
Headmaster figure ⇔ Head
ヘッドマスター・フィギュア ⇔ 頭部

Hosehead ホウズヘッド
語義:ホース頭 (hose head)
Emergency Rescue (救急隊員)
" If at first you don't succeed, keep trying. "
パワー 8 知能 6 スピード 5 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 9 火力 5 技能 2
A clear case of crossed cerebral circuits. Means well, but his good intentions often get him into trouble. Tends to do the right thing at the wrong time, like rescuing people after they're already saved. Eager to help in any situation. Binary-bonded to the Nebulan, Lug, a former all-star athlete. Armed with accelerator rifle which makes targets speed up uncontrollably. Range: 6 miles. Also equipped with two laser pistols.
Robot ⇔ Red fire engine
ロボット ⇔ 消防車(赤)
Lug ラグ
語源:強い牽引・〈米俗〉野暮天 (lug)
Headmaster figure ⇔ Head
ヘッドマスター・フィギュア ⇔ 頭部

Decepticon Headmaster ディセプティコン軍ヘッドマスター部隊

Fangry ファングリー
語義:牙に似た者 (fangry) ※牙(fang) からの造語
Tracker (追跡官)
" Leaders are for fools who need to follow. "
パワー 6 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 8
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 6 技能 8
A fearsome, foul-mouthed nightstalker. Rebels against authority in any form. Lashes out at anyone who even suggests his next course of action. His Decepticon superiors have more difficulty controlling him than the Autobots have fighting him. Binary-bonded to Brisko, a former Nebulan cartographer with a photographic memory. Shoots semi-automatic ion pulse gun. Tail converts to compressed air cannon that produces 200 mph gale force winds. Able to fly short distances in wolf mode.
Robot ⇔ Black/Purple winged werewolf
ロボット ⇔ 翼を持った人狼(黒/紫)
Brisko ブリスコ
語源:元気者 (brisk) のもじり
Headmaster figure ⇔ Head
ヘッドマスター・フィギュア ⇔ 頭部

Horri-bull ホリ=ブル
Ground Trooper (陸軍騎兵)
" Smash all that stands and trample the rest. "
パワー 8 知能 6 スピード 5 持久力 8
階級 5 勇気 8 火力 7 技能 4
A snorting, belching bully with a nasty temper. Drips grease and oil from his mouth and emits billowing black clouds of noxious black smoke from his nostrils. Enjoys destroying anything that stands in his way, particularly Autobots. In robot mode, uses flamethrower tail to incinerate his enemies. Also armed with a concussion blaster. Range: 12 miles. Binary-bonded to the nebulan, Kreb, a former talk show host with obnoxious manners.
Robot ⇔ Blue/Grey buffalo
ロボット ⇔ バッファロー(青/グレー)
Kreb クレブ
Headmaster figure ⇔ Head
ヘッドマスター・フィギュア ⇔ 頭部

Squeezeplay スクィーズプレイ
語義:押し潰す遊び (squeeze play) ※<熟語>squeeze playで野球のスクイズ、ブリッジの「ゆすり」の意も。
Saboteur (妨害工作員)
" Place brawn before brains and victory is yours. "
パワー 8 知能 5 スピード 4 持久力 9
階級 5 勇気 10 火力 7 技能 6
A raving, relentless, one-robot wrecking crew with slashing, crushing claws and needle-sharp, armor-piercing fangs. Rarely slows down. Never stops to think. Binary-bonded to Lokos, a Nebulan smuggler and hardened criminal. Armed with overrider rifle that overloads and blows out electrical circuits. In robot mode, uses tail as metal-rending mace. Titanium-reinforced claws can slice through almost any substance. An expert at underwater sabotage.
電子回路に過負荷をかけて破壊するオーバーライダー (制御停止) ライフルを装備。ロボット形態では尾部を金属破壊鎚として使用する。チタニウムで強化された爪はおよそあらゆる物体を切断する。
Robot ⇔ Purple/Blue crab monster
ロボット ⇔ 蟹状モンスター(紫/青)
Lokos ロウコウス
語源:ロコソウ (※有毒なマメ科植物)・狂人 (loco) のもじり?
Headmaster figure ⇔ Head
ヘッドマスター・フィギュア ⇔ 頭部

Autobot Sixchanger オートボット軍 シックスチェンジャー

{sixchanger} Quickswitch クィックスウィッチ
語義:素早い変換 (quick switch)
Assault Warrior (強襲戦闘員)
" A confused enemy is a defeated enemy. "
パワー 7 知能 7 スピード 7 持久力 7
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 7 技能 9
Completely unpredictable. Changes his mood as often as he changes his mode. Can be compassionate, merciless, friendly, hateful, happy, or angry, depending on what time of day it is. Equipped with 6 different modes: robot warrior, assault hovercraft cruiser, jet-propelled laser pistol, assault beast with stealth shielding, armor-piercing drill tank, suborbital fighter jet. Armed with twin photon blasters.
Robot ⇔ Turquoise/Red tec jet ⇔ drill tank ⇔ laser pistol ⇔ hovercraft ⇔ puma
ロボット ⇔ 未来風ジェット機(青緑/赤) ⇔ ドリル付戦車 ⇔ レーザー銃 ⇔ ホバークラフト ⇔ ピューマ

Decepticon Seacon ディセプティコン軍 シーコン部隊
「シー」(海) の名の通り、海洋生物をモチーフにしたシリーズ。5体で「ピラナコン」に合体する。またスナップトラップ以外、つまり腕/足に変形する4体は、ピラナコン用の武器形態へも変形可能。
ピラナコンの所属はSeacon combiner (シーコン部隊結合体(コンバイナー))。ノータレイターを除いたシーコン各4体は、それぞれ単体でパッケージされたものとピラナコンとしてセットでパッケージに入っているもの(from Piranacon)の2種類があるが、内容的には同一のトイ。

Piranacon ピラナコン
Undersea Warrior (海中戦闘員)
" Underwater, no one can hear you scream. "
パワー 9 知能 7 スピード 4 持久力 6
階級 7 勇気 9 火力 10 技能 6
A monolitic menace. The diabolical combination of the five Seacons who comprise him. Master at undersea warfare. Few Autobots can outdistance him or escape his evil clutches. Destroys everything in his path with ghoulish glee. A troublemaker and malcontent. Rarely follows orders. Fellow Decepticons are unable to control him. Capable of creating colossal tidal waves over 300 feet high. Because of his incredible size, Piranacon's reflexes are impaired out of water. Armed with the Seacons' entire arsenal of firepower.
Robot ⇔ 5 Robots
ロボット ⇔ (ロボット5体)

Snaptrap スナップトラップ
語義:カミツキガメ(snapping turtle)とはさみ罠(snap trap)の合成語
Seacon Leader (シーコン部隊長)
" Broken Autobots never mend. "
パワー 9 知能 7 スピード 2 持久力 9
階級 8 勇気 8 火力 8 技能 8
Nicknamed "Butcher of the Bogs" after he singlehandedly scrapped an entire regiment of Autobots in the Toxic Sludge Swamps of Cybertron. Creates havoc and chaos wherever he goes. Calculating and malicious. As cold-hearted and cruel as any machine ever made. His battle tactics are smooth, methodical, and extremely effective. Armed with two rapid-fire, retractable, sonic-shell cannons. Eight turreted photon beam ports, semi-automatic atom-smasher rifle, incendiary sword. Combines with fellow Seacons to form Piranacon.
Robot ⇔ Green/Pink/Purple/Black sea turtle
ロボット ⇔ ウミガメ(緑/ピンク/紫/黒)

Overbite オウバーバイト
語義:門歯被蓋のかみ合わせ (overbite) / 過剰咀嚼 (over bite)
Undersea Terminator (海中破壊工作員)
" There are only two kinds of creatures: predator and prey. "
パワー 7 知能 7 スピード 5 持久力 7
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 6 技能 8
A menacing, mechanical monster. Prowls the ocean depths for his next victim. Unrelenting and unbeatable underwater combat. Teeth and talons can tear through solid slabs of concrete and steel. Liquid-cooled, turbo-powered engine enables him to reach speeds up to 70mph. In weapons mode converts to a double barrelled tidal wavemaker. In robot mode carries jawbreaker cannon that shoots metal eating, salt-based corrosives. Combines with fellow Seacons to form Piranacon.
Robot ⇔ Weapon ⇔ Green/Pink/Purple shark
ロボット ⇔ 武器 ⇔ サメ(緑/ピンク/紫)

Seawing シーウィング
語義:海の翼 (sea wing)
Undersea Reconnaissance (海中偵察員)
" The darkest depths reveal the darkest secrets. "
パワー 7 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 4
階級 6 勇気 8 火力 6 技能 9
Glides through the seas like a sinister steel spector. Enjoys surprising and then destroying his targets. Nothing escapes his notice... or his grasp. Equipped with electrical, chemical, and infrared sensors, long range sonar. Converts to dual proton blaster in weapons mode. Underwater, can detect and home in on anything living or moving within a 20 mile radius. Maximum speed: 110mph. Armed with double venom lasers that paralyze on contact. Combines with fellow Seacons to form Piranacon.
電子・化学・赤外線センサー、長距離ソナーを装備している。武器形態では二連装陽子ブラスターに変形。水中においては約32km以内のあらゆる生物・移動物体を探知・追跡することが可能である。最高速度時速約177km。標的を麻痺させるヴェノム (毒液) レーザーを二挺装備。
Robot ⇔ Weapon ⇔ Green/Grey/Black manta
ロボット ⇔ 武器 ⇔ マンタ(緑/グレー/黒)

Tentakil テンタキル
Underwater Demolition (水中破壊工作員)
" Embrace your enemies... until they're terminated. "
パワー 8 知能 6 スピード 6 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 7 技能 6
Crushes submarines like they were soda cans. The more benevolent he appears, the crueler he becomes. Electomagnetic tentacles add super strength to his vise-like grip. Electrically-charged feelers short circuit and stun on contact. In robot mode, carries dual slime lasers that shoot globs of highly-adhesive gelatinous goo. In weapons mode, transforms to twin 50,000 volt lightning rifles. Also able to burst away in a cloud of viscous black grease that hinders his pursuers. Combines with fellow seacons to form Piranacon.
Robot ⇔ Weapon ⇔ Green/Pink/Purple/Black squid
ロボット ⇔ 武器 ⇔ イカ(緑/ピンク/紫/黒)

Nautilator ノータレイター
Underwater Excavations (水中採掘員)
" Blame someone else before they blame you... "
パワー 7 知能 4 スピード 3 持久力 8
階級 5 勇気 6 火力 7 技能 4
A stumbling, bumbling amphibious foul-up. Often gets caught in the undertow and has to be hauled out by his fellow Seacons. Quick to blame others for his mistakes. Equipped with geological sensors that register underwater fuel deposits. Armed with triple crusher cannon that shoots energon bands which trap their target and then tighten until the target has been reduced to rubble. Nautilator transforms to heat-seaking torpedo cannon in weapons mode. Combines with fellow Seacons to form Piranacon.
Robot ⇔ Weapon ⇔ Green/Grey/Black lobster
ロボット ⇔ 武器 ⇔ ロブスター(緑/グレー/黒)

Skalor スケイラー
Amphibious Assault (陸海強襲要員)
" I stink, therefore I am. "
パワー 7 知能 5 スピード 3 持久力 8
階級 4 勇気 7 火力 6 技能 6
A merciless, polluting parasite. So foul even his fellow Seacons avoid him. Leaves a trail of grease and toxic chemicals wherever he goes. Able to absorb fuel through the hull of any ship. In robot mode, equipped with dual crustation rifles that encase and immobilize the enemy with hard, sticky scales. Serrated, razor-sharp jaws are able to cut through any substance. In weapons mode, transforms into twin-barreled corrosive slime-hooter. Combines with fellow Seacons to form Piranacon.
いかなる船をも突き破りその燃料を吸収することが可能。ロボット形態では敵を硬くねばつく殻に閉じこめるクラステーション (遮蔽) ライフルを使用。のこぎり状の鋭いあごはあらゆる物体を切り裂く。武器形態では二連の腐食性粘液発射管に変形する。
Robot ⇔ Weapon ⇔ Green/Pink/Purple coelacanth
ロボット ⇔ 武器 ⇔ シーラカンス(緑/ピンク/紫)

Autobot Tape オートボット軍テープ部隊

Grand Slam グランド・スラム
語義:完勝 (grand slam)
Audio Correspondent (音響通信員)
" The sounds of war are history speaking. "
パワー 6 知能 8 スピード 3 持久力 8
階級 4 勇気 9 火力 3 技能 7
War-weary veteran of ten thousand battles on a hundred worlds. Dedicated his life to recording the sounds of the Autobot-Decepticon conflict: the nervous laughter, the cries of pain, the blistering explosions, the chilling quiets. Hopes his work will one day serve as a grim reminder of the awful price of war. Can audio-record up to 20 years of sound. Armament is purely defensive: smoke discharger combines with dual repulsors. With his partner Raindance, combines to form Slamdance.
Tank ⇔ Red cassette
戦車 ⇔ カセットテープ(赤)

Raindance レインダンス
語義:雨ごいの踊り (rain dance) / <俗語> 盛大な宴
Video Correspondent (映像通信員)
" Every picture tells a story. "
パワー 4 知能 8 スピード 6 持久力 5
階級 4 勇気 9 火力 5 技能 8
The death-defying daredevil of the skies. Willing to take any risk to record the best picture. With partner Grand Slam, he's covered thousands of battles. Entertains everyone with stories about each one of them. Witty and well-liked. Can video-record up to 20 years of pictures. Carries two self-defense air-to-air proton missiles. Combines with Grand Slam to form robot Slamdance.
Tec jet ⇔ Blue cassette
未来風戦闘機 ⇔ カセットテープ(青)

Slumdance スラムダンス
語源:ひどい踊り (slum dance) / (ヘビーメタルギグ等で見られる)スラムダンシング (slam dancing) のもじり
ロボット ( ⇔ カセット2体)

Decepticon Tape ディセプティコン軍テープ部隊

Beastbox ビーストボックス
語義:獣の小屋 (beast box)
Interrogation (尋問官)
" Speak now if you intend to ever speak at all. "
パワー 7 知能 5 スピード 3 持久力 6
階級 6 勇気 7 火力 4 技能 3
His violent temper often overcomes his natural curiosity. More willing to whittle down his captives with his fists than with his words. Few survive his interrogations long enough to reveal anything useful. Can record up to 6000 hours of testimony. Equipped with two compression cannons, which crush a target with tons of compressed air pressure. Combines with Squawktalk to form robot Squawkbox.
Ape ⇔ Purple cassette
猿 ⇔ カセットテープ(紫)

Squawktalk スクウォークトーク
語義:煩わしいおしゃべり (squaek talk)
Translator (翻訳官)
" If you have nothing interesting to say, say it anyway. "
パワー 3 知能 5 スピード 6 持久力 5
階級 6 勇気 6 火力 5 技能 8
Never stops talking except to refill his fuel tank. Knows over 250 Earth and 6300 alien languages, but never has anything important to say in any of them. Other Decepticons often threaten to rip out his vocal circuitry and wrap it around his beak to shut him up. Carries two deafening high decibel sonic boomers. Combines with Beastbox to form robot Squawkbox.
Parrot ⇔ Green cassette
オウム カセットテープ(緑)

Squawkbox スクウォークボックス
語源:<口語> (インターホンなどの) スピーカー
ロボット ( ⇔ カセット2体)

このページのテック・スペック情報は David "Hex" Tashjian氏とVerentex氏のThe TeleTran CyberSite 及び、 Colin Betts氏とRobert A. Jung氏のRob's Transformers Page を元に作られています。

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