「プリテンダー」とは詐称者の意で、「不当に王位を奪う者」という使い方もされる。こう書くとあまり良い意味の言葉に思えないが、オールディーズの名曲『Great Pretender』などで分かる通り、広義的には「ふりをする人」という程度の意味。
{pretender} Groundbreaker グラウンドブレイカー
語源:地を砕く者 (ground breaker) ※break groundで「耕す」の意も。
Ground Trooper(陸軍騎兵)
パワー 8 | 知能 8 | スピード 4 | 持久力 3 |
階級 6 | 勇気 8 | 火力 7 | 技能 9 |
ロボット ⇔ 未来風自動車 (グレー) < 人間
"The first one in is the first to win!"
A fast-moving fighting machine. Always the first to arrive and the first to start shooting. Brash, impulsive. Acts like someone with his foot on the accelerator. Built-in thermal and geological sensors in helmet home in on enemy installations and fuel supplies. High-density outer armor emits laser beam force field that can withstand direct enemy bombardment. Equipped with state-of-the-art, radar-targeting electron assault rifle. Also armed with laser-guided, programmable pulse blaster that flies and functions by remote control. Rocket car has all-terrain capabilities and can reach speeds of Mach 1.
Robot ⇔ Grey tec car < Human