Desepticon Deluxe Insecticon ディセプティコン軍ディラックス・インセクティコン部隊
Venom ヴェノム
語源:毒液、憎悪 (venom)
Psychological Warfare(神経戦術官)
パワー 3 | 知能 9 | スピード 3 | 持久力 6 |
階級 7.5 | 勇気 9 | 火力 8 | 技能 8 |
ロボット ⇔ ツェツェバエ(※アフリカ産のイエバエの一種.眠り病・ナガナ病の媒体)(茶)
"Friends are more dangerous than enemies."
Will use his poisonous talents even on fellow Decepticons because he trusts no one and suspects everyone is trying to usurp his role as leader. His stinger can discharge fluids harmful to mechanical and organic life; corrosive acids, destructive catalysts, paralyzing toxins, and others. Stinger can penetrate 1/4 inch steel, but sometimes gets stuck and breaks off. Flies at 15mph for 300 miles. Carries electro-blaster in robot form.
Robot ⇔ Green tse tse fly