Desepticon ディセプティコン軍
Trypticon トライプティコン
Assault Base(強襲基地)
パワー 10 | 知能 7 | スピード 8 | 持久力 10 |
階級 9 | 勇気 10 | 火力 10 | 技能 8 |
ティラノサウルス ⇔ 都市 ⇔ 戦闘基地(グレー)
Brunt ブラント
語源:(攻撃などの)ほこ先 (brunt)
都市の一部 ⇔ 戦車(紫)
Full-Tilt フル=ティルト
語源:猛スピード (full tilt)
ロボット ⇔ 自動車(紫)
"Total victory requires total destruction."
Doesn't stop blasting until he's hip-deep in smoking rubble. Completely without mercy. The most lethal fighting machine devised by the Decepticons. In dinosaur mode, jumps 20 miles with rocket backpack. Shoots heat-seeking plasma bombs from mouth and mind-controlling hypno-beam from optical sensor. As city, has landing and repair bays, communications center and rotating scanners. In mobile station mode, has laser cannon, rotating blasters, destructo-beams and dual photon launchers.
Tyrannosaurus rex ⇔ Grey city ⇔ Grey battle station
City parts ⇔ Purple tank
Robot ⇔ Purple car