Decepticon Headmaster (Horrorcon) ディセプティコン軍ヘッドマスター部隊(ホラーコン)
Apeface エイプフェイス
語源:猿面 (ape face)
パワー 10 | 知能 9 | スピード 9 | 持久力 8 |
階級 6 | 勇気 7 | 火力 7 | 技能 4 |
ロボット ⇔ ゴリラ ⇔ 未来風ジェット戦闘機(黒)
Spasma スパズマ
語源:けいれん・発作 (spasm) の改変
ヘッドマスター・フィギュア ⇔ 頭部
"Obnoxiousness is not a problem, it is an art."
Thoroughly obnoxious -- pounds loudly on his chest plates, insults everyone he talks to, knocks over anyone in his way, never changes his lubricant so he smells like a grease-encrusted turboworm, and spits fuel in public. Binary-bonded to the nervous, insecure Nebulan Spasma. In jet mode, maximum speed: 3250mph, emits powerful jamming frequencies. In ape mode, has super-agility. In robot mode, carries electro-shield and semi-automatic sonic boomer gun.
Headmaster figure ⇔ Head
Robot ⇔ Black gorilla ⇔ tec jet