(Autobot) Technobot(オートボット軍)テクノボット部隊
Scattershot スキャッターショット
語源:乱射 (scatter shot)
Technobot Leader(テクノボット部隊長)
パワー 8 | 知能 7 | スピード 7 | 持久力 8 |
階級 8 | 勇気 9 | 火力 8 | 技能 8 |
ロボット ⇔ 砲塔付未来風ジェット戦闘機(赤/白)
"Decepticons are like rust spots -- they're ugly and they can pop up anywhere."
A brawling, bragging berserker... he wades into a Decepticon patrol with all barrels blazing, doesn't stop until he's out of ammo. Calls those who disapprove of his methods 'tinplated bucketheads.' Rude, gruff, and direct. In vehicle and battle station modes, has electron pulse cannon in nosecone; array of sonic, thermal and artillery shell guns. In robot mode, has 500 rounds-per-minute automatic acid-pellet gun. Combines with fellow Technobots to form Computron.
Robot ⇔ Red/White tec jet (gun emplacement)