Desepticon ディセプティコン軍
Shockwave ショックウェイヴ
語源:衝撃波 (shock wave)
Military Operations Commander(軍事行動指揮官)
パワー 7 | 知能 10 | スピード 2 | 持久力 7 |
階級 7 | 勇気 8 | 火力 8 | 技能 10 |
ロボット ⇔ レーザー銃(紫)
"Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Cold, brutal, scientific approach to war. Seeks to overthrow Megatron as leader of Decepticons because he believes logic says he would be better. As laser gun, can emit lethal beams of energy from anywhere on the electomagnetic spectrum: gamma rays, X-rays, visible light, infrared rays, radio waves, etc.. Flies in laser gun or robot mode. High fuel use, but can be powered by nuclear sources. Often confounded by initiave, emotional thinking.
Robot ⇔ Purple laser gun