Autobot オートボット軍
Hoist ホイスト
語源:巻き上げ機・ウィンチ (hoist)
パワー 8 | 知能 6 | スピード 3 | 持久力 7 |
階級 4 | 勇気 8 | 火力 6 | 技能 9 |
ロボット ⇔ 四輪駆動レッカー車(緑)
"You have to be rolling before you can be fighting."
"No exceptions!" -- All Autobots must submit to his maintenance schedule... knows they must operate at peak efficiency in battle. Jovial, enjoys job and is good at it -- will find any problem, from engine overhaul to smallest leaky gasket. As tow truck, hauls 40,000 lbs. As robot, very strong -- launches heat-seeking missiles from wrist sockets. Full spectrum multi-sensor behind his head determines an objects' composistion, density, tensile strength, energy properties.
Robot ⇔ Green 4WD Wrecker tow-truck